Kamala Harris' Dancing Is Every Bit As Cringe-Inducing As You'd Expect

Vice President Kamala Harris is getting dragged on social media for her dance moves, and it's hard to say that the criticism isn't deserved.

She makes Elaine's "little kicks" dance from Seinfeld look like a fine ballet.

The vice president was hosting a party to celebrate the 50th anniversary of hip-hop. So, as you'd probably expect, someone was spinning some tunes and Harris decided she was going to have herself a bit of a vibe sesh.

Unfortunately for her — and frankly for the rest of us too — someone had a camera and captured the cringe magic and tossed it up on social media.

Oh, My. God.

That noise you just heard was everyone in the United States and its overseas territories simultaneously experiencing what scientists call a "douche chill" upon seeing that video.

Every little move is more unsettling than the last. It's like a greatest hits compilation of the aunt no one likes at a wedding.

You've got head bobs and hip thrusts. Finger points and that move where you put a hand in the air and nod.


As you expect, the woman who is a heartbeat away from the presidency (although I don't think it's unfair to say that video should be enough to at least kick the tires on an impeachment inquiry) didn't impress the fine folks on social media with her rug-cutting.

Just a rough scene. A 50th anniversary of hip-hop shindig seems like it'd be a great time. Leave it to VP Harris to pull the e-brake and bring the fun screeching to a halt.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.