This Kamala Harris Commercial About 'Real Men' Is The Worst Ad In The History Of Politics

Well, I've found it. 

Call off the dogs. Stop the count. Forget everything you know. It's over. Done. The search, boys and girls, is complete. 

I've officially found the worst political ad of all time, and it comes courtesy of the Kamala Harris team. Shocking, I know. Didn't see that coming! 

Harris, who has been in an impressive free-fall for the better part of a month now, decided to lob up one final Hail Mary this week with this below commercial, which shows us fake tough guys just how real men are voting this November. 

And if a fat rancher, possibly (definitely) gay dude sitting on a grill, and weirdo farmer with his awkwardly in his pockets don't ooze masculinity for you independent voters out there this morning … then I don't know what will!

What an ad

Oh my God. It's perfect. Somehow, someway, the Harris campaign managed to exceed all of my expectations with this one. They knocked it out of the park. 

How does Trump come back from this? Seriously? Do we even bother having the election in a few weeks? Seems like it's all just a formality at this point. 

Trump just lost the white male vote. It's gone. Poof. Just like that. How can any straight man watch that ad and not join the Kamala bandwagon? Fat rancher holding a pale and telling the camera he eats carburetors for breakfast? 


Bodybuilder being Mr. Tough Guy and cussing, but then showing his softer side by talking about braiding his daughter's hair? Check. 

Dude wearing one of those stupid hats that only weirdos wear, sitting on the edge of a grill, telling us he's not afraid to cook his steak rare? CHECK!!!

Stereotypical mechanic who looks like a peak Trump voter, telling the camera he doesn't care what women do with their bodies, as if he's ever been asked? Check, check and check!

This is perfection from the Harris campaign. They nailed it. Absolutely, unequivocally, nailed it. 

No notes. 

Game over. 

See y'all in 2028. Time to regroup and get back to the drawing board. 

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.