Joy Behar Is Worried Russia's Invasion Will Ruin Her Vacation Plans
If it wasn't already clear that Joy Behar is the dumbest woman on television, Thursday proved the point once and for all after she whined about how Russia's invasion of Ukraine was affecting Italian vacation plans.
Behar, who has resulted in her fair share of content here at OutKick, picked one helluva time to make the Ukrainian struggle about her.
"I'm scared of what's going to happen in western Europe too," Behar said during Thursday's show as Russian artillery was raining down on all corners of Ukraine. "You know, you plan a trip, you want to go there, you want to go to Italy for four years, and I haven't been able to make it because the pandemic and now this."
Go ahead, listen to this trash with your own ears. Press play. Do it. You need to hear it straight from this moron's mouth.
"It's like, what's going to happen there ," Behar added.
And yet ABC keeps trotting out this moron on a daily basis to tell suburban women watching at home how they should be thinking as they try to get through life. This is a woman who said Tucker Carlson should be "tied up and put in the corner somewhere" and suggested that all kids should just be held back a year in school instead of sending them to school during the height of COVID.

Ahh, yes, Joy, think long and hard about those Italian vacation plans you've been dreaming about WHILE INNOCENT PEOPLE DRIVING AROUND UKRAINE ARE BEING RUN OVER BY TANKS.
Pray for Joy. Pray for the wine she was going to drink, the pasta she was going to eat. Please think about Joy, Joy, Joy during these difficult times.