Prominent Liberal Suggests Trump Wasn't Shot, Insane Reactions Flood In

The insane conspiracy theories about Donald Trump just don't stop.

A poll released early in the week showed that more than 30% of Democrats believe it's possible the shooting was staged. It makes absolutely no sense, especially considering multiple people were shot and the gunman was killed.

Yet, logic and facts haven't slowed down people saying crazy things about Trump nearly dying. One of the hottest unhinged theories is that Trump was never actually shot.

Nevermind the fact there's video of the bullet literally going through his ear, some people refuse to believe it.

Enter Josh Marshall.

Josh Marshall implies Trump wasn't shot.

Marshall is the founder of the hyper-liberal publication Talking Points Memo, and you'd think someone in the media would understand the responsibility to not spread misinformation.

You'd be wrong if you had that rational thought in your head. Marshall decided to hop on X late Thursday night during the RNC and fire off a tweet that was not-so-subtly claiming Trump didn't get shot.

Enjoy it in all its glory below, and let me know your thoughts at

As bad as the tweet was, the responses are even worse. People are diving head first into the claim Trump didn't get shot - which is a complete lie.

Some people need to really go out and touch grass. Get off the internet and get some fresh air. All of a sudden, everyone is an expert on snipers, bullets and ballistics.

The great irony is I'm willing to bet a lot of money most buying into this conspiracy theory have never seen a bullet wound in their life. It's not a movie. Heads don't explode, and the 5.56 round is tiny. It's fast, but it's very small.

Before repeating baseless conspiracy theories and spreading disinformation/lies, take some time to get the facts right. It's really not that hard, and this nonsense just poisons the discourse. Let me know at what you think.

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David Hookstead is a reporter for OutKick covering a variety of topics with a focus on football and culture. He also hosts of the podcast American Joyride that is accessible on Outkick where he interviews American heroes and outlines their unique stories. Before joining OutKick, Hookstead worked for the Daily Caller for seven years covering similar topics. Hookstead is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin.