John Mulaney DESTROYED AI Tech Bros At Their Conference In Hilariously Awkward Fashion

It's safe to say that John Mulaney won't be asked to perform at any AI tech conferences ever again.

The former Saturday Night Live writer-turned-comedian had quite the experience last week after being asked to do a stand-up set at Salesforce's Dreamforce conference that had tens of thousands of employees in attendance. 

However, rather than do a regular, basic comedy set with evergreen jokes, Mulaney decided to do nearly 45 minutes of absolutely RIPPING the tech industry and everyone in attendance, as you can only imagine the organizers backstage absolutely fuming and losing their minds as the comedian essentially ruined their corporate get-together event.

"You look like a group who looked at the self-checkout counters at CVS & thought, ‘This is the future’… So many of you feel imminently replaceable," Mulaney began as he set the tone early for what was about to come. "Can AI sit there in a fleece vest?" Mulaney mocked the 40,000+ attendees. "Can AI not go to events and spend all day at a bar?"


"Some of the vaguest language ever devised has been used here in the last three days, the fact that there are 45,000 ‘trailblazers’ here couldn’t devalue the title anymore," the comedian continued as reports said that the crowd appeared to not be too pleased to be the subject of Mulaney's routine, according to The San Francisco Standard.

But the SNL star wasn't done just yet as he then brought in his own young son's experience of growing up in a digital world that attendees are at fault for ruining as they continue to push AI rather than human interaction.

In a sarcastic tone, Mulaney thanked the audience for changing the world so much that his three-year-old son "will never talk to an actual human again," before hilariously adding that "Instead, a little cartoon Einstein will pop up and give him a sort of good answer and probably refer him to another chatbot."

In the words of Michael Scott from The Office, "How the turntables." However, this wasn't a TV show, this was a guest speaker getting paid a reported $2 MILLION to do a comedy routine that eviscerated the very people he was paid to entertain.


And with the Salesforce-sponsored conference taking place in San Francisco, you knew that the depleted and rundown city wasn't going to be off limits either.

Mulaney wondered out loud why "a city that had failed humanity so miserably," was chosen to host a conference whose main purpose was to build "the future of AI."

And for his ultimate mic drop grand finale, Mulaney essentially told the Tech bros and gals that they live boring lives.

Using an anecdote of hanging out with his son, Mulaney explained that "we’re just two guys hitting Wiffle balls badly and yelling ‘Good job’ at each other…. It’s sort of the same energy here at Dreamforce."

AI Robots WISH they could deliver an improvised standup set like that. 

Humans: 1
Tech Nerds: 0

Written by
Mike “Gunz” Gunzelman has been involved in the sports and media industry for over a decade. He’s also a risk taker - the first time he ever had sushi was from a Duane Reade in Penn Station in NYC.