John Kerry Tries To BS His Use Of Private Jets, Promptly Gets Called Out On It

John Kerry wants us to believe that he has only flown "possibly once" on a private jet in the past two and a half years.

That was just one of the 'Climate Czar's' questionable statements during his recent testimony in front of a Congressional House Foreign Affairs Committee on Thursday in which the former Senator from Massachusetts appeared confused and angry when he realized he wasn't getting one by the American people.

It all started when Kerry brought up his use --or "lack there of" --of his trips on a private jet.

The issue of Kerry's private jet use has been going on for years. It revolves around the fact that Kerry has been one of the leading proponents against global warming as well as restrictions against gas, oil and other energy sources. But if Kerry was using a private jet while the rest of us peasants have to fly coach and sit next to all sorts of lunatics, that doesn't seem fair does it?

"I just don't agree with your facts, which began as a presentation of one of the most outrageously persistent lies that I hear, which is this private jet. We don't own a private jet, I don't own a private jet, I personally have never owned a private jet," Kerry began.


If you listen to the clip again, you'll notice that Kerry coincidentally keeps saying the word "personally." Now why would he purposely do that? Because he was under oath - but that doesn't mean our Climate Czar didn't get caught deliberately leaving out some important facts.

"You just testified under oath that you've never owned a private jet," Congressman Mike Waltz told Kerry before entering into the record a February, 2023 article that reported that the Kerry's private jet was "sold shortly after accusations of climate hypocrisy."

And just like that... Kerry suddenly remembered that his wife did own a private jet that he flew on for years. It's amazing how it came to his mind out of nowhere!

"Yes, my wife owned a plane..." Kerry responded before saying that now he doesn't fly on private planes and that all his trips are flown in a "commercial capacity."

But wait a minute...


In a follow-up question, Congressman Waltz asked if Kerry had "flown a private jet in a personal or official capacity" since he took the Climate Czar position.

"Possibly... once?" Kerry said as if he was Ron Burgundy reading his name on a teleprompter with a question mark. Waltz then asked if Kerry could hand over information regarding trips he's done in an official capacity to which he agreed to.


Did John Kerry really think that we thought that he and his billionaire wife - who is part of the Heinz ketchup dynasty, wasn't flying private? Did he think that we believed the two of them were just hanging out at Newark Airport with the rest of us? I'm not even mad, I just am tired of the l lying - whether it's a Republican or Democrat.

Kerry could have easily come forward at the beginning and been upfront about his wife owning a jet that he used for years. He didn't. Instead he tried to be crafty and cute with it until he realized he couldn't anymore when the evidence was presented in front of him.

There within lies the frustrating part of it all. Our leaders insult and mock us while playing us as fools - all while they enjoy lavishes that they are telling the citizen they can't have. It's the ultimate "do as I say, not as I do" that we've seen time and time again. The hard-working person trying to make a living for themselves and their family is constantly being told what they can and can't do while the powers-that-be laugh all the way to the bank - via their private jets of course.

Meanwhile the individual can't use gas stoves, pizza shops have to get rid of their coal ovens, and you can't enjoy meat in New York City. But don't worry, at least our military is going to be 100% EV when the rest of the world isn't.

And if all else fails, our brilliant leaders and politicians have a backup plan. Let's just block the sun! What could possibly go wrong?

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Mike “Gunz” Gunzelman has been involved in the sports and media industry for over a decade. He’s also a risk taker - the first time he ever had sushi was from a Duane Reade in Penn Station in NYC.