John Fetterman Makes Incredibly Classy Gesture For Hostages Held By Hamas

Senator John Fetterman is breaking away from some of his fellow Democrats when it comes to handling the war between Israel and Hamas.

The Israelis continue to obliterate Hamas targets following the October 7th terrorist attack that resulted in more than 1,400 people being murdered and hundreds being taken hostage.

Some Democrats, such as Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar, seem more interested in demanding a cease-fire and remaining silent than taking a stand for what's right. Tlaib shamefully refused to answer when asked about Hamas beheading babies.

The Senator from Pennsylvania is taking a very different approach, and making it clear he's 100% with Israel and the innocent people impacted.

John Fetterman honors hostages held by Hamas.

Fetterman announced that he is hanging the photos of every single hostage held by Hamas on the wall outside his office.

It's a crystal clear reminder of the stakes and the situation Israel and the world face. The situation also impacts America because 10 of our citizens are still held by the terrorists.

You can check out the classy gesture below. Send me your thoughts to I look froward to hearing your reactions to Fetterman's decision to hang the pictures.

Fetterman shows what standing on the right side of history looks like.

I must admit that Senator Fetterman and I share virtually zero similar views. There's no doubt we agree on almost nothing, and the same is probably true for a lot of OutKick readers.

However, there's also no doubt that when it comes to speaking out against Hamas and in support of Israel or standing with the terrorists, we're both on the side that doesn't murder babies.

Again, the same can be said for probably everyone reading this article.

This also isn't the first time Senator Fetterman has spoken up when so many Democrats have remained silent.

While many Democrats pushed the lie about the hospital bombing, Fetterman called out people for spreading Hamas propaganda.

He also made it clear he had no interest in pushing for a cease-fire, which wasn't a popular stance among members of the extremely liberal Squad. The Senator from Pennsylvania was also one of the loudest voices against Senator Bob Menendez amid accusations of corruption involving Egypt.

Somehow without anyone seeing it coming, Fetterman has become a major voice of reason on the left as so many on that side go insane.

Now, he's honoring the hundreds of innocent people held by Hamas. That sure is a far cry from Rashida Tlaib staying silent on Hamas murdering babies and then REPEATEDLY spreading the lie Israel bombed a hospital in Gaza.

You can see a person's true colors when things get serious, and as much as I disagree with John Fetterman's politics, he's made it clear he's with the good people of Israel against the terrorists. It's insane that even needs to be applauded, but that's where we're at in 2023.

Major props to Senator Fetterman for honoring the hostages, and I'd love to hear your reactions at Even as a guy who disagrees with him, I think this is an incredibly classy thing to do.

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David Hookstead is a reporter for OutKick covering a variety of topics with a focus on football and culture. He also hosts of the podcast American Joyride that is accessible on Outkick where he interviews American heroes and outlines their unique stories. Before joining OutKick, Hookstead worked for the Daily Caller for seven years covering similar topics. Hookstead is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin.