Joe Rogan Slams Big Government, Issues Warning About Gun Control

Joe Rogan is very aware of what happens when the government turns on its unarmed population.

History is full of brutal examples of dictatorships that ruled with an iron fist over unarmed people unable to defend themselves.

Here are a few quick examples:

  • Nazi Germany
  • The Soviet Union
  • North Korea
  • Cuba
  • China
  • Iran

Turns out handing over more and more power to the government and giving up your guns is a recipe for disaster.

Joe Rogan cautions people about disarming and empowering the government.

The popular podcast host and UFC commentator was discussing Kamala Harris and Tim Walz on a recent podcast, and he touched on a variety of subjects. He called out Harris and Walz for extremely liberal policies on issues like abortion and transgender people. However, he really hit his stride when warning about what happens when the government grows more powerful.

Rogan said the following, in part, when slamming big government/communism and gun control:

"The problem is these people that have this idea of equal outcome, this is the worst version of all these leftist ideologies. The worst version is open borders. Everybody should have everything and then equal distribution of it and then what always comes with that is they unarm the citizens, and if they don't unarm the citizens, you can't get away with any of this stuff. But, as soon as no one has guns other than the police, everyone is forced to comply. If the army and the police are the only ones that get to tell you what to do and they take orders from the government and the government is a communist dictatorship, you're f*cked. And that has never been more evident than all the versions of it you can see in current world politics now where a government has been taken over by a communist regime. It's always bad. It never turns out good. Not a single f*cking time. People starve. It gets terrible. There's just terrible government overreach."

You can watch his full comments in the video below, and let me know your thoughts at

For anyone who wants to say Rogan has no idea what he's talking about, I'd encourage you to read a history book. Stalin starved millions of people and murdered innocent people, Adolf Hitler slaughtered millions of people and started the worst war the world has ever seen, China under Mao Zedong saw tens of millions die under his vicious rule and China and North Korea today still repress their unarmed citizens.

Now, does that mean liberals in America are going to do the same? Of course not. That'd be an insane thing to accuse anyone of. However, the point Rogan is making is that no country turns into a nightmare overnight. It's a slow roll. It's a drip process. 

Hitler took control of Germany in 1933. It would take several more years before the world realized what was truly happening in Germany and then the war followed that.

Do you agree with Joe Rogan's assessment of big government and why it's important to not give up your guns? Let me know at

Written by
David Hookstead is a reporter for OutKick covering a variety of topics with a focus on football and culture. He also hosts of the podcast American Joyride that is accessible on Outkick where he interviews American heroes and outlines their unique stories. Before joining OutKick, Hookstead worked for the Daily Caller for seven years covering similar topics. Hookstead is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin.