Joe Rogan Calls Scumbag Justin Trudeau Every Nasty Name In The Book During Heated Rant

So, you can go ahead and put down Joe Rogan as a hard "no" on Justin Trudeau. Don't know what exactly the question is, but Rogan's a pass. HARD pass. 

America's favorite podcaster – I know him as the Fear Factor host – sent a couple ‘F-U’ bombs to our neighbors to the north this week over their disgustingly woke outgoing prime minister. 

Justin Trudeau, who I'm not sure anyone likes, is resigning. Sad. Not really, but still. Sad. End of an era. Who will run Canada into the ground now? Can't wait to find out! Maybe they'll be No. 51 soon enough. We'll see. 

But those are questions for another time, and another day. This is about Joe Rogan vs. Justin Trudeau. For reasons that are quite obvious – mainly because he's an insufferable Lib who gaslights and grifts like an absolute veteran – Joe Rogan HATES this man with the fire of a thousand burning suns:

Get 'em, Rogan!

My God. Is Joe right? I have no clue. Do you think I know the first thing about Canadian politics? Of course not. I barely know our own politics. 

I do know, however, that Justin Trudeau is the worst. He's never passed the eye test with me. Guy just looks like a scumbag. And then the COVID stuff happened. And the stuff with the truckers where he basically barricaded himself in a room for a week because he was too scared to leave. 

And he always has that stupid smile on his face. It's so fake, and so disgusting. And you know it's fake, too. He left the meeting with Trump wearing it, and you know he had nothing to be smiling about. 

Trump just told him he was going to Tariff his ass into oblivion and make his country the 51st state. There was nothing to smile about after that. 

He got little-boyed by an actual leader, and then resigned two weeks later. Hilarious. What a dork. 

Anyway, I have plenty of Canadian friends and they all despise this guy. And, by the way, they love Trump. Them and the Greenlanders! 

Can't wait to welcome both to our great country. 

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.