Joe Biden Loses Late Night Defenders As Even Jimmy Fallon Turns On Him With Monologue Jokes

President Biden has lost Late Night.

The 81-year-old President, who has been facing mounting criticism amid calls to bow out of the upcoming election, can no longer depend on some of the Late Night comedians to have his back and push his agenda, as even they have now turned on him.

The latest example involves Jimmy Fallon, who after years of ripping Donald Trump and letting the majority of Biden's gaffes go by, suddenly shifted his jokes to now go after the current President. 


This past week, the NBC Tonight Show host began his monologue talking about how President Biden has been diagnosed with Covid.

"Biden has COVID. Luckily he can’t spread it because Democrats have been distancing themselves from him since the debate," Fallon joked before adding that "on the bright side, it’s the first positive news [Biden's] had in months," 

"Yep, Biden had fatigue, a cough and brain fog. Then he got COVID," Fallon continued. "Thankfully, Biden is expected to make a full recovery, and his doctor said that he’ll be back to 60% in no time."

And when asking aloud who could have possibly given the President COVID, Fallon put up a photo of Vice President Kamala Harris which brought some loud laughs.

And if that wasn't enough, Fallon went in even harder on the President when he said that even the Secret Service has a new name for Biden - "Peloton," because of how outdated he is.


There's no doubt that President Biden has been facing pressure to drop out of the upcoming Presidential race. Everyone from George Clooney to reportedly even former President Barack Obama have been saying the quiet part out loud - Biden's cognitive abilities have clearly declined so much that he may not be able to win over enough votes for the upcoming election.

Let's be honest - late night shows don't matter nearly as much as they used to, but they still do have some bearing - especially when they've been apologists for Biden for four years now.

The fact that the jokes have turned on Biden? That would have seemed laughable just a few years ago.

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Mike “Gunz” Gunzelman has been involved in the sports and media industry for over a decade. He’s also a risk taker - the first time he ever had sushi was from a Duane Reade in Penn Station in NYC.