JK Rowling Appears To Rip Former Harry Potter Stars

Harry Potter author JK Rowling has become one of the premier voices of reason when it comes to protecting women from having their rights infringed upon by biological men.

As you might expect, being vocal about an issue like that has angered some people (many would say the right people) including a certain few actors and actresses who would likely not have careers — certainly not at the level they've achieved — had Rowling not come up with a story about a wizard.

Some of them have spoken out publicly against Rowling's (correct) assertions that there are indeed biological differences between men and women. Why? Who knows. I'm inclined to think they're playing the Hollywood long-game, but maybe they really did just drink some of the wokest Kool-Aid out there.

It appeared that Rowling took a shot at some of these actors thanks to a simple question some account on X posted in hopes of getting engagement (and, boy, it worked out for them).

Alright, simple question here. I think we all have answers to this one. Right now, I'd say Adam Devine tops my list; I just find him insufferable.

But let's turn things over to JK Rowling, shall we?

I think we can all hit two of three. 

First on that list has to be Daniel Radcliffe, the guy who threw on a pair of glasses, a lightning bolt scar, and a Gryffindor robe and became Harry Potter.

He has routinely denounced Rowling for her comments on transgenderism, even though, she's been accurate. You'd think someone who made your career would receive a little more reverence. I'm not saying he has to bow down to her at every turn, but if you disagree with her stance — which in this instance is the only stance grounded in reality — how about being a bit more diplomatic?

Meh. Danny needs work these days.

Same can be said about actress Emma Watson, who played the bookish Hermione Granger, and, like Radcliffe, she has been outspoken in opposition of Rowling's views, with the author once commenting that she doesn't want to hear any apologies from the two actors.

The third is a bit trickier, but it could be actor Eddie Redmayne, who starred in the spin-off films Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them, who has similarly been outspoken against Rowling.

Hey, to each their own… but only one of these sides is dealing in facts.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.