Jimmy Fallon Mocks President Biden's Mumbling And Age, While Ripping CNN

Jimmy Fallon is making headlines after ripping President Biden and his decision to allow CNN to host the upcoming Presidential debate against Donald Trump on June 27.

Could it really be?

Did a late night television host really criticize not only a Democrat but President Biden as well as CNN? In this politically-charged, divisive environment? 

No fake news here my friends - you're reading OutKick after all. It really happened and let's break it down for you.


On Wednesday, Fallon finally did what no other late night host (including himself) has been willing to do - actually call things out the way they are, even if that means criticizing a Democrat President.

"The first debate will be next month and that's the earliest a Presidential debate has ever happened. But, if we're being honest, an early bird debate feels right for these guys," Fallon began.

However, then Fallon mocked President Biden's reelection team for issuing a number of terms that must be met for the two candidates to debate each other.

"Biden and Trump will meet on June 27 on CNN, and one of Biden's debate conditions was not having an audience, so that explains why it's on CNN!" Fallon quipped. And if you're wondering just who watches and goes to these television tapings, just listen to some of the boos and jeering that happened after this joke.

"Another condition from Biden is that he wants microphones that automatically cut off when a candidate hits their time limit," before delivering this punchline: "Biden got the idea after his last press conference when his staff was like: ‘We need a microphone that automatically cuts off.’"


Fallon then played a video clip of Biden challenging Trump to the debate in which the late night host replied, "Biden's talking smack! Usually an 81-year-old doesn't get this riled up unless you park in front of their house!"

The 49-year-old host wasn't done yet though, as he then began incoherently mumbling and pretending he was President Biden.

He said: "Thank goodness he [Biden] had subtitles!"

In the end, Jimmy Fallon had a couple good jokes and some weak ones that just seemed obligatory based on the day's news. But between the Biden impressions, the mumbling, calling out CNN (instead of FOX for once) makes me wonder if Jimmy is seeing that the writing's on the wall for the late night circuit and that the average viewer doesn't want to hear the same political jokes over and over again. 

Who knows, maybe Fallon saw how much The Greg Gutfeld Show is crushing him in the ratings?