Army Spec. Ops. Vet Gets Honest About Killing Terrorists And Christianity

How do Christian warriors balance their religious faith with having to carry out extreme violence against bad people?

The topic of being a Christian and going to war has always fascinated me since I was a little kid. I recently shot an American Joyride interview with former Army Special Operations veteran Jeremy Morton (full interview out in July), and we touched on that exact subject.

For Jeremy, there was no moral dilemma or questions that had to be balanced in his mind and heart. In fact, he cited a Bible verse that perfectly explains his stance on killing as a Christian.

You can listen to Jeremy explain his outlook on killing and handing out justice as a Christian in the short preview clip below, and make sure to let me know your thoughts at

I hope you all enjoyed listening to Jeremy's thoughts on being a Christian and killing in combat. It's a good thing guys like him and his teammates exist. The world is a better place because of them. Make sure to follow along at all the socials below, and keep coming back for more:

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Written by
David Hookstead is a reporter for OutKick covering a variety of topics with a focus on football and culture. He also hosts of the podcast American Joyride that is accessible on Outkick where he interviews American heroes and outlines their unique stories. Before joining OutKick, Hookstead worked for the Daily Caller for seven years covering similar topics. Hookstead is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin.