Jeopardy Fans Are Furious Over Contestant Andrew Knowles' Tongue Trick
What has happened to Jeopardy?
During Tuesday's episode of the game show, viewers were treated to a contestant's tongue trick during the "Meet the contestants" segment and it left many loyalists wondering what has happened to their beloved show where it used to just be nerds being nerds.
Now here we are in the viral era and it seems like last night's bit where contestant Andrew Knowles touched his tongue to his elbow was one of those forced moments where a producer was gunning to go viral on TikTok.
And now fans are pissed.
"Y'all want to see it?" Andrew asked the crowd after being pressed by host Ken Jennings.
Of course, Jeopardy uploaded the bit to Instagram.
OMG, he did it! It's soooooo cool to see such a natural moment of television come together like this. No way this was planned. Nooooooo way!
Yes, we're in the content business here at OutKick. I'll go ahead and speak for most of us here when I say it's tragic to see the show fall into the rabbit hole where the producers think they have to constantly produce viral bits to stay relevant with viewers.
"Jeopardy! needs a young following if it’s going to continue in infinite syndication despite declining network ratings, and as an ascended fan himself, Jennings understands that the most rewarding parts of the experience happen around the game as often as within it," Charles Bramesco of wrote earlier this year.
Hence the guy touching his elbow with his long tongue.
The theory here is that being a good traditional Jeopardy contestant will no longer hinge on your memory bank but on your content-creating abilities. Are you a smart freak with a talent that translates into 'Likes' and TikTok 'hearts'? There's a good chance Jeopardy wants to talk to you.
As for the game, Andrew finished second and his long tongue will soon fade off into Jeopardy history.