Jennifer Aniston is under attack on social media because she's a veteran actress and knows how to fake a sex scene. For those who missed it because you don't read Variety -- and that's all of you, I would assume -- 54-year-old Jennifer Aniston and 52-year-old Jon Hamm had some spicy TV sex earlier this year on her hit Apple+ show, The Morning Show. As Joe Kinsey said, it got the suburban moms talking because you just don't see two legends of the field bang like this on TV anymore. We're so damn sensitive nowadays. Sad. Anyway, when names like Jennifer Aniston and Jon Hamm go at it in the year 2023, it's gonna make some waves on social media. Rachel Green and Don Draper sex scene? Yes, please! Aniston recently told Variety that the two seasoned actors didn't need nor want to utilize something called an intimacy coordinator for the big scene, which apparently ruffled some feathers within the community. (PS: the below videos are just clips from the scene on Elon's Twitter. YouTube won't let me share the whole thing because it's age-restricted. Give it a look here if you wanna see post-sex Jennifer Aniston lying on post-sex Jon Hamm's naked back. Your call.) Jennifer Aniston and Jon Hamm didn't use intimacy coordinator for sex scene "I never felt uncomfortable. Jon was such a gentleman, always -- I mean every move, every cut, 'You OK?' It was also very choreographed," she said during a fan Q&A on Variety. "That’s the beauty of Mimi and our gorgeous editor, the music and lighting. So, you don’t prepare. "They asked us if we wanted an intimacy coordinator. I’m from the olden days, so I was like, 'What does that mean?' They said, 'Where someone asks you if you’re OK,' and I’m like, 'Please, this is awkward enough!' We’re seasoned -- we can figure this one out." Those above comments, harmless as they seem, didn't sit well with the internet. Nothing does in 2023, and Jennifer Aniston unfortunately has to learn that the hard way. Although, it was also Jen just a few months ago calling for an end to cancel culture, so it appears she already knows how brutal it is out there nowadays. Anyway, here are a few of the responses: Just ruthless. From what I gather, everyone is pissed because they think Jennifer Aniston was sort of dismissing the idea of intimacy coordinators, which are relatively new in Hollywood. They were adapted back in 2018 when several actors and actresses talked about sexual harassment on set and essentially act as a liaison between actors and production. True story. Did I know that before an hour ago? Nope. Did I think I'd spend the back-half of my day looking up Intimacy coordinators in Hollywood? Nope. So, to wrap this all up ... Jennifer Aniston and Jon Hamm had TV sex a few months ago and it was steamy as all get-out, which obviously got the internet talking. Fast-forward a few weeks, and Jen says the two are seasoned vets of the game and didn't need someone there telling them how to have TV sex. They could handle it just fine. Now, the pitchforks are out in full force. Thoughts?