Jemele Hill Tweets That Asian-American Activist Supports 'White Supremacy' Following Supreme Court Affirmative Action Decision
This past week, the Supreme Court officially ended affirmative action with regards to college admissions. That means universities cannot use race as a determining factor for a student's entry into a school. That's great news for Asian-Americans, who were negatively impacted most by this policy. But Jemele Hill says that Yiatin Chu "carried the water for white supremacy" for fighting to end the policy.
Chu initially tweeted, "I told my daughter that today is a big day. They’ve ended affirmative action. 'Isn’t it what you’re been fighting for?' she asked. I said yes."
Hill quote-tweeted Chu's tweet and responded, "Can’t wait until she reads that you gladly carried the water for white supremacy and stabbed the folks in the back whose people fought diligently for Asian American rights in America."
It's unclear to whom Hill is referring as "diligently fought for Asian-American rights in America."
Presumably she means that black Civil Rights leaders -- like Martin Luther King, Jr. -- helped Asian-Americans along the way.
That's probably true, at least based on setting precedent against race-based discrimination. However, characterizing black Civil Rights leaders as champions for Asian-Americans is a pretty wild mischaracterization.
They certainly fought for the rights of black Americans. And, Asian-Americans benefitted. But to insinuate that Asian-Americans now owe black Americans a debt of gratitude in perpetuity is certainly a take.
And, to add to Whitlock's point, what exactly is Hill saying? Let's say, for a moment, that Asian-Americans really only have equal rights thanks to black activists (that's patently absurd -- and false -- but play along.)
Even if that WERE true, is Hill saying that because black activists are responsible for Asian-American having rights that they should just shut up and accept discrimination. Again, WILD take.
Jemele Hill implies that Asian-American activist and mother supports "white supremacy"
Not to mention how insulting it is for Hill to insinuate that Chu -- a racial minority in the United States -- supports "white supremacy."
As mentioned, affirmative action hurt Asian-American students most. Universities turned away thousands of more qualified Asian-Americans students in the name of "diversity."
More likely, Jemele Hill is just saying crazy stuff to get people to talk about her. That makes sense, as she's doing everything to hang onto the little spotlight she has.
The ending of affirmative action is the perfect opportunity to cry racism, for which Jemele Hill is most famous.

Jemele Hill says Asian-American activist Yiatin Chu "carried the water for white supremacy" over Supreme Court affirmative action decision. (Photo by Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)
And she certainly wasn't going to let this opportunity pass her by.
Even if she's factually incorrect.
But don't let facts get in the way of a chance to claim "racism" and "white surpremacy."
Jemele Hill certainly never does that.