Apparently, Jake Paul went shopping on Instagram and picked out Dutch speedskater Jutta Leerdam as his next girlfriend. Paul, 26, who recently split with Instagram model Julia Rose, went on a coordinated social media attack Monday with Leerdam, who is a huge European star thanks to her career skating in circles and posing in tight speedskating suits. "That’s it," Leerdam, 24, wrote on Instagram while peering into Paul's eyes while riding around in some expensive Rolls-Royce. "Ijs koningin," Paul fired back at his new girlfriend. That translates, according to Instagram translate, to "Ice queen." And just like that, there's a new social media relationship creation that has people talking. "I'm Dutch now," Paul told his Instagram followers. Remember, the only way to keep the algorithm humming along and the eyeballs focused on a brand (Jake looks at himself as a brand) is to keep the machine moving along and keep the headlines in your favor. So Jake Paul goes out and signs free agent Jutta Leerdam -- and her 4.1 million Instagram followers -- to a temporary deal that will lead to Paul dominating the European tabloid headlines through the summer. This is his way of expanding the Jake Paul brand. It's like the Kardashians dating and dumping NBA power forwards. Rinse. Repeat. And then when the algorithm tells Jake that Jutta Leerdam's starting to get stale, he'll throw her back into the sea and he'll move on to the next Instagram target. Leerdam is just a marketing tool, but she could also see this as her big chance to move into the United States as her own brand. If we look at Jutta's 12-month Google Trends analysis, she had very little sustained success via Google outside of some minor pops via random Instagram moments. Her trend line is about to stay consistent in the 25-75% range as Paul turns her into a social media tool. Meanwhile, the social media reactions have been incredible over this new relationship. This is just a taste of what people are saying on Jutta's Instagram account: Folks, this is Business 101 in 2023. Leerdam will now spend a ton of time in the U.S. and grow whatever she's trying to grow. I guess brands will throw her money for Instagram Story posts. Then what? Buckle up.