Jack Black Clarifies Trump-Hating Tenacious D Band Status: 'We'll Be Back'

What's the punishment when a popular band member is upset that former President Trump wasn't assassinated when grazed by a bullet last month? Well, for Tenacious D, it's taking ‘some time away’ but not too much.

Speaking with Variety Tuesday night, Tenacious D frontman and comedian actor Jack Black said that the band is "taking a break," that was well-needed because "everybody needs a break sometimes…" but fear not because "we’ll be back."


The downplayed comments contradict the actor's much more stern words and public apology after band member Kyle Gass ‘joked' during the band's live performance at an Australia show that he wished that Trump's shooter "doesn’t miss Trump next time." 

The comments, which came just hours after the assassination attempt, were widely condemned in America as well as in Australia - with some of the country's politicians even seeking to revoke the band's passports and kick them out of the country. Tenacious D would end up postponing its tour and returning home. It was then that Jack Black condemned his bandmate's comments, but the actor says they still remain friends.

"Yeah, we’re friends. That hasn’t changed," Black told Variety. "These things take time sometimes… And we’ll be back when it feels right."


Now, personally, I'm not one for cancel culture. Were the comments rather stupid and in poor taste - especially when they were said to an international audience? Absolutely. But should Tenacious D never be allowed to play a show again? Well, that should be up to them. In the end, fans will decide for themselves whether they want to continue to see the band perform and ultimately set the market value.

I moreso had an issue of Jack Black's half-hearted apology that came days later and only after outrage. The public tweet or the iPhone Notes apology has become all too common these days and in many cases just reeks of a celebrity's PR team trying to do its best to grasp control of the narrative.

What's most troubling is that in the aftermath, Kyle Gass released a statement on social media saying that his comments were "highly inappropriate, dangerous and a terrible mistake." He added, "I don’t condone violence of any kind, in any form, against anyone," on Instagram. "What happened was a tragedy, and I’m incredibly sorry for my severe lack of judgment. I profoundly apologize to those I’ve let down and truly regret any pain I’ve caused."

Unfortunately, it appears that Gass doesn't believe that wishing for someone to get shot and killed is ‘highly inappropriate’, being that he has deleted the post. The fact that we can't have both sides of the political aisle agree on the basic premise that a former U.S. leader shouldn't be wounded or killed shows just how troubling things have become.