Bottoms Up: There's An International Search For The Premier Backyard Watering Hole Set-Up

There are few things as universally loved and respected as a backyard bar. I feel like any time I walk into someone's backyard and I see a designated space for drinking and watching sports, I think to myself, "Damn, they get it."

Even the most basic set-up is okay by me, but there's currently a search to find the premier backyard bar in both the United States and the United Kingdom and the prize includes one of the highest honors any backyard bar owner could ever achieve: their own signature beer.

It's called ‘The International BackYard Bar Awards’ and it's being put on by a company called Pinter, a company that has developed a machine that serves as a brewing system as well as a tap wrapped into one.

"Pinter is all about incredible beer experiences and exploring beer craft — hence the quest to find the best hosting spots out there," Ralph Broadbent, co-founder and chief executive of The Greater Good Fresh Brewing Company said. "Now, this competition is for bars of all shapes and sizes – not just the biggest or shiniest. It’s about what makes yours truly special.

​"We want to hear your stories and find out what makes your bar distinctive. And whoever the winner may be, will gain a truly unique chance to leave a lasting legacy in the world of beer."

I know right now that some of you reading this are thinking, "I have a backyard bar," (although, it looks like any home bar will do. I don't think you'd get DQed because your bar is in a garage or something) and if that's the case, I have no idea why you wouldn't snap a couple of pictures to submit over on the Pinter website and give it a shot.

The winner will be selected by a panel of experts as well as a public voter and will get tons of stuff to beef up their bar like an Ooni pizza oven, some Pinter machines to give to pals (or keep, no judgment), tons of merch, and then that signature beer.

That's a dream of mine; to have a signature beer. I already have a name picked out: Reiglebräu.

Best of luck if you choose to enter, and if you win, good luck coming up with a better name for a beer than the one I came up with.

Fat chance…

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.