Ice Cream Company Ben & Jerry's Posts Disgusting Message About Racism On Fourth Of July

While the rest of America – well, the sane part of America – celebrated the Fourth of July by slugging down beers and shooting off sketchy fireworks we all bought at the Publix the day before, Ben & Jerry's was busy reminding all of us just how racist this country used to be. 

That's right. Ben & Jerry's – the ice cream company that just may be the wokest, most virtue-signaling company in all the land – couldn't just let us have this day. Our 248th birthday. They just refuse to let one normal day come and go without being easily the most unlikable group of humans in the history of the world. 

And that's saying a lot given how bad society has become, but I've decided Ben & Jerry's takes the cake for being just the absolute worst of the worst. 


Ben & Jerry's has to be trolling at this point

That's it. That's BJ's (yep, I did it on purpose) one and only Fourth of July post. Nothing more (thank God), nothing less. 

Happy Birthday, America! You're all racist. 

But today, we are still living with systemic racism and the legacy of slavery. We will not stop fighting for an America where there truly is liberty and justice for all.

Incredible. And you know what? Upon further review, Ben & Jerry's is just awful. I didn't realize just how progressive and virtue-signally and disgustingly woke this ICE CREAM company actually was until today. 

I mean, just look at these posts:

If you can ride a bike, ride it naked to fight climate change. 

WHAT?!?! These people are NUTS. How are they still in business? I think boycotts are generally stupid and pointless, but my God, why in the world would you buy ice cream from these lunatics?

Anyway, I went back and counted, and Ben & Jerry's posted a whopping 10+ Pride/Juneteenth/ABORTION/white supremacy posts in June, compared to the one Fourth of July post. 

And that one was about how racist America is/was. 

What a time to be alive. We are so cooked. 

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.