Husband Of 'Girls Gone Wild' Tennessee Cop Fired For Having Sex With Multiple Coworkers Didn't Seem To Support Open Marriage
The husband of the 'Girls Gone Wild' Tennessee cop who was fired for having sex with multiple officers at the La Vergne Police Department had serious reservations about his wife's swinging ways, according to an internal affairs report.
Maegan Hall, who was fired from the La Vergne PD for all sorts of sexual behavior, married park ranger cop Jedidiah Hall in 2018, and things seemed to be going well until 2022 when Maegan turned into a sex fiend (allegedly) and started banging Officer Patrick Magliocco on the side.
Poor Jedidiah. He was about to find out just how wild his wife was while around her fellow cops. Let's just say, according to an investigation, that she was REALLY into sharing special time with fellow cops.

Facebook / Maegan Olivia Hall
According to an internal affairs document, Magliocco told investigators "that at one party, (Maegan) Hall and Magliocco’s wife started kissing and Hall’s husband came in the room and seemed upset. The next day on‐shift, Magliocco asked Hall about the husband’s reaction, since Magliocco was under the impression from Hall that her marriage was open as well." Hall reportedly told Magliocco, "He really wasn’t on board.”
That poor husband.
Magliocco then told investigators he had sexual intercourse with Hall on numerous occasions.
While that's horrible, the news didn't get much better for Jedidiah. His wife was actually plowing her way through the department. Hall gave Sgt. Lewis Powell oral sex at a police substation. Powell also told investigators that Hall had sexual relations with Sgt. Ty McGowan and and Officer Larry Holladay.
Again, poor Jedidiah. He didn't deserve this.
He didn't deserve to learn that his wife allegedly told McGowan to “f--k her and drag her around by her hair.”
But it was also McGowan who told a story about a party at the Hall house where Officer Magliocco's wife and Jedidiah "went to a back bedroom together and that Hall and Magliocco took that to mean the 'swap' was on and they proceeded to have sex."
According to Officer McGowan, Jedidiah confronted his wife about her cheating. Was Jedidiah getting some on the side? We don't know from the internal affairs investigation.

As for Maegan's responsibility in this whole mess, at first she tried to limit the damage and admitted to "off duty" sex with Officer Larry Hollday, but in follow-up interviews, she came clean and said there was houseboat sex with Magliocco. There was oral sex on a hilltop. There was oral sex at a police substation. Yes, there was sex with Officer Juan Lugo-Perez after meeting with him at a go-cart track.
Hall even noted that Officer Ty McGowan made it clear to her that he she could "use me" if she ever wanted sex.
Poor Jedidiah. This must be overwhelming.
Oh but there's more.
Detective Seneca Shields was called in for an interview and made sure to tell investigators "I never had sex with Maegan Hall."
He eventually admitted Maegan gave him oral sex in the police gym behind the police station. Shields noted he was on-duty when the oral sex went down and that he went back to his desk and finished his day after Maegan went to work.
And that's that.
Jedidiah's wife is a real piece of work, but, according to Facebook updates that were public as of Tuesday, these two were still together.
If their marriage can make it through this, then it's ironclad and it was meant to be.
Good luck to everyone involved.