The Hot New White House Reporter Fires Back After Hooters Comment

We've got MORE drama surrounding hot new White House correspondent Natalie Winters Frankly, this is becoming my favorite little tradition. 

Natalie vs. the world. Who ya got? Lord knows who I choose. Easy call, America. 

For those who missed it, the Nat Vs. The Daily Mail battle began earlier this week when the outlet published a very nasty story about how hot Natalie is. 

Controversial White House Correspondent slammed over 'inappropriate' outfits, the headline read. 

See? Important stuff. 

Anyway, Winters has been fighting back via social media all week, and the feud hit a boiling point Friday night when writer Lisa Kennedy penned a personal letter to hot Natalie, begging her to stop dressing like a Hooters waitress. 

Two things we don't tolerate here at OutKick: Hooters slander, and hot girl slander. Lisa attacked both. 

No ma'am. Not on my watch:

We stand with Natalie … and Hooters!

Disgusting stuff here. Really nasty. Can't have this happen. Not now. Not when we're currently trying to fix America. 

Obviously, we're #TeamNat here. I don't know her from Adam, but I won't be siding with anyone who mocks Hooters. Great wings, great women. What's not to like? 

Frankly, the world could use a few Hooters waitresses asking questions in Washington. God knows they'd be better than anything the insufferable losers at CNN or MSNBC ask. 

Now, should Natalie stop taking the bait? Maybe. Sometimes, the best way to anger the mob is to just ignore them. They need your anger to survive. They need it like oxygen. Without it, they die. 

On the other hand, I sort of enjoy having a hot White House reporter with a little piss and vinegar in her. This is a brand-new America, boys and girls. We've got Tariffs out the ass, a secure border, and no more pronouns in our bios. 

If Nat plays her cards right, she could be the face of it moving forward. Let's hope she does. 

Can't wait to see where this rollercoaster takes us. 

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.