Hot Mom Ignores Son's Request To Dress 'Frumpy' Because His Friends Find Her Attractive

When you're a hot mom with kids of a certain age, their friends start to notice. This puts the kids in a tough situation whenever their friends are around.

One hot mom took her dilemma with a son whose friends are starting to notice to a parenting message board for advice. Not advice on whether she should dress down or not. That's not happening.

She's looking for advice on how to tell her kid that mom is hot, and he's just going to have to learn to deal with it. She started off her humble-brag like this, "I’m facing a bit of a dilemma and could really use some advice."

"My teenage (12, going on 13) son has been urging me to stop wearing makeup and dress in a more "frumpy" way because he finds it embarrassing that his friends think I’m attractive," she continued.  "I want to respect his feelings, but at the same time, I don’t want to compromise my own sense of self."

Mom, as hard as it is to believe, then dove into some details about herself.  She says she dresses conservatively and stays away from "anything too flashy or revealing."  Although, she admits that she likes to enhance her features with makeup.

Nothing wrong with that.  Who doesn't like to put themselves together before leaving the house?  She's tried to have conversations with her son about it by "acknowledging that his feelings are valid, but also expressing that this is who I am and how I choose to present myself."

This Hot Mom Isn't Planning To Change A Thing Just Because Her Son's Friends Find Her Attractive

So far, the conversations between mom and son haven't resolved anything.  He still wants mom to help him out here and change the way she presents herself.  That's not going to happen on this mom's watch.

She has lessons to teach all involved and being hot to do.  As part of her lesson, she said, "I’ve told him that it’s not my fault if his friends make inappropriate remarks and that he shouldn’t feel ashamed because of their actions.  But he’s finding it hard to ignore their comments and feels pressured to conform to their expectations."

Clearly, mom has no idea what it's like to be a teenage boy.  She's on message boards looking for advice on how she can "help my son understand that he shouldn’t be embarrassed by other people’s perceptions of me."

Hot mom clarified in the comment section that the advice isn't about how she could change up her appearance so that her son's friends aren't taking note.  That's out of the question.

"I definitely will not be changing my appearance," she said.  "I need advice on how to talk to him about dealing with it."

I get it, being hot and a mom isn't easy.  There's been story after story about how hot people can't catch a break.  But it's that much harder for the kid.

These aren't adults she's trying to school up, these are the worst version of kids - teenagers.  I'm not saying mom should go full lady with a house full of cats or anything like that, but maybe dial it back then ease back into being the hot mom.

Give everyone involved a little time to adjust.  Is that too much to ask?  I don't think so, but it doesn't sound like this mom is going to be dialing any of her hotness back anytime soon.

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Sean is a cubicle life escapee and proud member of OutKick's Culture Department. He enjoys long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners, and puppies - only one of those things is true.