Hooters Jillian Is Pumped For A Huge Football Weekend, County Jail Sponsors Ohio Football & Lance Moore's Family Wins Halloween

What a night on the patio!

Is it cold this morning? Yes. Is it going to be chilly for the next 5-6 days? Yes. Is it supposed to snow on Halloween? Yes.

All of that doesn't matter when you get a late October Friday night like we had last night here in far northern Ohio. I'm talking 75 degrees after dark WITH NO WIND. I fired up Yacht Rock, grabbed a beer and headed out onto the patio to consume the record temps without being blown over by southerly breezes and it was absolutely heaven.

The dog hauled ass around the yard just having a great time. The sweet sounds of Ambrosia pumped out of my iPhone speaker. The windows and doors were open. It was like early August in late October, except in this circumstance the yellow jackets that harrassed my ass for the second half of the summer are gone.

Thank you, Global Warming®.

What a week of reports from teachers about the kids

I'm not a huge look at my kids, aren't they special, you better 'LIKE' photos of my kids on Facebook or I'm cutting you out of my life kind of guy, but I have to file this report for the archives in case Screencaps Jr. & Screencaps III take over this column someday.

It was parent-teacher conference week, and while we knew the kids had done their jobs in the classroom based on what some state test asked of them, I'm looking for analysis straight from the teachers' mouths.

Are the kids acting like jerkoffs when we're not looking? That's all I want to know.

Mrs. Screencaps is more of an Xs and Os coach. She's interested in the curriculum and where she can adjust her gameday tactics like Michigan making halftime adjustments.

Not me.

"Are the kids acting like jerkoffs? Can they read a room?" is all the analysis I need because the rest will take care of itself.

Screencaps Jr.'s English teacher actually said he's being too hard on himself over his writing compositions (I'm not sure Jr. has a clue I write at a sophomoric level for a living; I assume he just thinks I sit at the computer and it results in a paycheck) when they're just working on rough drafts in class.

I explained to Screencaps Jr. that there are tens of thousands of incredible writers in the world who can't make a penny with their writing while his father has built a career out of rough drafts.

Don't be so hard on yourself, kid.

Dad kept the lights on in the house writing about mowing and Texas chili vs. chili with beans. Dad wrote about living the patio beer lifestyle and people actually loved it!

Down the road, I'll show him the email from Steve in Grand Junction who one day decided he was going to write a Hallmark Christmas movie. But the key to the discussion will center on how Steve busted his ass to get that script into someone's hands. That's the real art.

Results for Fall 2023: They're not being jerkoffs at school!

Speaking of weather, did your father or grandfather sit and watch the Weather Channel on a loop for hours on end?

Or was it just me?

In SW Ohio on Time Warner cable, there was a channel that showed the local radar and temps -- not the Weather Channel -- that would play classical music and loop 24 hours a day. It was always on at my grandfather's house after grandma died. I think it was the music that he was after, not the wave of snow heading his way because by that time in life he wasn't worried about some 1-3 inches of snow.

My dad, on the other hand, holy crap. He would analyze the Weather Channel for hours on end. He was looking for pinpoint accuracy out of anchors like Cheryl Lemke and Jeanetta Jones (RIP). If Jeff Morrow was tracking a 4-to-6-inch snow for the Miami Valley, my dad was dialed in. Couldn't look away. His voice would raise as he'd look outside and see the wind start to kick up out of the northwest.

I couldn't be the only one who lived through a family member hanging onto every word out of Mark Mancuso's or Marshall Seese's mouth. BTW, did you know Weather Channel had a meteorologist named Ray Bay who worked for the network for 26 years?

Email: joekinsey@gmail.com

Gas or Battery lawn mower in 2023?

• Stonewaller in West Texas says:

The best thing I ever did was buy a Stihl 510 battery push mower back in 2019. I had to buy an extra battery due to the size of my yard. I was so tired of yanking on that stinkin' rope and messing with gas, oil, spark plugs, etc.

What you need depends on the size of your yard and the type of grass you have. Yes, Stihl is expensive, but the quality is high. There has been no maintenance at all and that's the best part. It's lasted well (but the drought here the past two years means that when the dog days of summer hits, I don't have to mow all the time).

I know battery-powered equipment is not appropriate for everyone, but I love it. Don't have to stop to fill up the gas can or get oil after work, just start it up on Thursday night and go with no time wasted.

• Mike Mac writes:

Happy Friday.  If you get responses to Kevin's email about push mowers that bag properly, can you ask about tractors?  I love my Cub Cadet LT46 but the bagger is AWFUL (which seems to be fairly well known based on reviews).  Constant jamming in the tube, regardless of how dry/low the grass is.  Any advice would be helpful, I need to upgrade.

For Chris E. - I am not an expert, but I switched from gas to battery for the string trimmer and it's a game changer.  So much easier, and to just edge/trim the yard there is plenty of battery life.  I have never tried it for major clearing operations.

Appreciate you Joe - have a great weekend.


Remember, if you have a question for the community and you need immediate reactions, I highly recommend using the Screencaps Facebook GROUP where you can ask all the questions you'd like.

Go here for the Facebook GROUP page:


• Mike T. in Idaho sent me this photo from Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. I'm not sure if they're in Mexico now or if this is from the T Archive:

• Scott in Ridgeland, SC reports:

Although my wife is Team Sunrise, I’m definitely Team Sunset. We’re blessed with both in Ridgeland and while it is calm and serene watching the sun come up, I find it hard to do with a beer that early in the morning, so Team Sunset it is. ScreenCaps and NightCaps are a double-barreled duo.

Keep it up. One thing I haven’t seen on either is a debate on the best hot dog or other tubular meat product in the land. I for one am partial to a JimmyDog from Jimmy’s Mart in Columbia, SC. Maybe it’s so good because its from a throwback gas station wrapped in wax paper.

Then again I’m a sucker for most any hot dog. Time for sunset and mid-tide change over here with a tall cool Bud Light ….. Shiner Bock.

Sunrise Boyd’s Creek -- Ridgeland, SC

Blue Mountain Beach, FL

Barnes Bay, Anguilla

Camel Back Mountain, AZ


• Beau in Toledo is a big moon guy:


• Lyle down in SC writes:

Caught this beautiful sunrise coming back to house the other morning after some chores before heading to my day job…..got the sun beaming thru my beautiful pecan tree in my front yard.

Small world.. I had talked to Matt at M2 Lumber week before I saw you discussing him in screencaps.. he is about 2 hours up the road from me in Laurens…. going to get him to kiln dry some pecan wood of another large pecan that had to be cut down that I am making into benches for the extended family…

Keep up the good work.


What a week for M2 Lumber in Laurens, SC. Again, see something, say something. Are you working with a small business on a cool project? Tell us about it. Are you a business doing cool work? Tell me about it. Brag on yourself for a minute.


• Dan from AZ says:

Like some others in the SC community, I don’t really have a preference for the rise/set debate. I love both and we get some great ones out here. This one is a beautiful sunrise from one of my recent early morning hikes before work (Do Hard Things).

Also on an unrelated note, no stupid daylight savings here in Arizona!

Cheap frozen pizza debate has been a hotter topic than I imagined

• David in Illinois writes:

It seems like the frozen pizza thread in Caps is still alive, so in case nobody mentioned Gino’s East, which you can get at Walmart (and the Cheese-only at Aldi), let me stick my neck out and call this the best frozen pizza.  If I’m in Chicago, where Gino’s East originated, I always go to UNO’s or DUE’s, but for frozen, Gino’s is the best.  Pepperoni-only is missing from this picture, but it’s usually available. 

PS… I painted a sunset a few years ago.  I may send it over early next week. 

The SEC story and the guy who made fun of my spaghetti pizza

• Gerard fires back:

Absolutely loved the story from the guy with his 1st SEC experience!  The pictures made the story.

Cracked up over the guy being grossed out about the picture of the Spaghetti Pizza and Italian Hamburger.  Wonder what he thinks of this Horseshoe?  I came across Horseshoes in college.  They are traditionally served in the southern part of Illinois and are an open face hamburger topped with fries and covered with liquid cheese.  Thankfully they have moved north and our local bar will serve any hamburger on their menu this way.  This particular Horseshoe has a burger topped with an egg, fries, bacon and queso cheese!

The perfect bar is where you create best memories.  A few years ago I went with a buddy on Side by Side (SXS) weekend in northern Wisconsin.  We unfortunately found a hole on the trail and swamped his SXS.  (I told him not to go through it but he said his wife wasn’t along and he was hitting it…)    Luckily there was a SXS behind us to pull us out.   Better yet there was a bar only a few miles away that has a campfire out front 365 days a year to dry out. 

Willy’s Still up by Hurley WI was the perfect bar that day.   It is in the middle of absolute nowhere.  Pulling up I swear I heard dogs barking and banjos playing.   I will let the video speak for itself.  They have an outdoor stage on the back of an old truck, Grain bin Bar, campfire 365, American Flag hanging out front, a “rack station” for the ladies to leave their bras and a PBR sign.   Running into some friends of friends 6 hours from home in the middle of nowhere topped it all off. 

SXS riding has become quite the thing in our rural communities.   I doubt it will ever be “legal” in Illinois but Wisconsin and Iowa are close by.  How about Ohio?  You had talked about getting a snowmobile awhile back.  I would suggest a SXS so you can ride year round………

That's it this morning. I told myself Saturday Screencaps would be a condensed version of the Monday-Friday editions, but the emails just keep coming so I have no choice but to crank out a massive edition.

I will say it was so nice to not wake up to an alarm clock on a Saturday for the first time since August.

I'm refreshed. I'm done with my work week. We're ready to roll. Go have an incredible football weekend.

Take care.

Email: joekinsey@gmail.com

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Stuff You Guys Sent In & Stuff I Like :

Written by
Joe Kinsey is the Senior Director of Content of OutKick and the editor of the Morning Screencaps column that examines a variety of stories taking place in real America. Kinsey is also the founder of OutKick’s Thursday Night Mowing League, America’s largest virtual mowing league. Kinsey graduated from University of Toledo.