Hooters Girl Breaks Down Her Tips After A Good Week, Haters Credit 'Pretty Privilege'

Now that the whole debate about Hooters shutting down for a rebrand because millennials aren't into boobs is behind us, we can get back to some normal Hooters content. You know the content, calendar girls dating NASCAR drivers and John Daly doing his thing at the wing spot.

The normal Hooters content also includes your everyday Miss Hooters finalist taking to social media to talk about their tips. That's where Tennessee Hooters girl Taylor Basye comes in.

Taylor took to TikTok to show her more than 500,000 followers what a week's worth of tips looks like for her. It's hard to believe that she expected the video to be her most viewed. But after more than 9 million views in just three days, that appears to be the case.

The video follows her through what turned out to be an above average week for her earnings-wise. At the end of every night for each of her five shifts she would count out her tips for the camera.

As you would expect with a video that received this much attention, there were mixed reactions about it. And by mixed reactions, it means the haters were out in force.

This Hooters Girl Isn't Buying What The Haters Are Selling

Taylor ended up with $1030, which was a few hundred dollars more than her average of around $600-$700. So what does she have to thank for the strong week of tips?

According to the haters "pretty privilege" is she reason for her decent week of tips. Taylor isn't buying the argument. She points out in a rebuttal to the haters that people working serving jobs in busier cities take home twice what she does.

There's no doubt about it being pretty doesn't hurt your tips. But being pretty is only part of the equation. As is the case with almost anything, it comes down to location, location, location.

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Sean is a cubicle life escapee and proud member of OutKick's Culture Department. He enjoys long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners, and puppies - only one of those things is true.