Hooters Cassidy Is Ready To Sling Wings & Beers For AFC/NFC Championship Weekend, Trump NFL Memes & The Tebows
You guys have had a helluva week
Michigan fans didn't email me lecturing me on how there should be an asterisk next to Ohio State's season. You guys didn't get too crazy over the snow. It was fair and balanced.
You guys didn't even get crazy over politics, which was refreshing. Yes, there was an inauguration on Monday, in case you forgot it was this week.
We've just had one of those weeks where we all hang out, share stories, share a laugh and go about our lives.
That's the sweet spot for Screencaps.
Even the Redskins-Commanders topic was civil and nobody started screaming at me for using Commanders the wrong way or how I have turned woke because I might've let one Commanders mention slip.
That said, I want you guys to share the emotions you're feeling for AFC/NFC Championship weekend.
As I reported this week, Jackson Mahomes has now spent 29% of his life enjoying football on this weekend. It's enough to make me puke.
Let's GOOOOOOO Buffalo and in the other game, give me the Redskins. I want new blood.
Email: joekinsey@gmail.com

STREAM: Super Bowl LIX live and free in 4K on Tubi February 9, 2025 at 6PM ET
Screencaps readers share stories from when they were on game shows
— Douglas J. in Omaha gets us started:
My dad and I were on the Price is Right together back in 2013. They were doing a military special where you bring someone with you. Most people brought their spouses, but I grew up watching The Price is Right with my dad so I invited him.
We got called down and made it on stage.
We had to pick the most expensive prize out of 3 prizes. A pool table, a 3-D HD Smart TV and a cool retro refrigerator. I thought it would be the TV but my dad saw the same fridge on the show the week prior and knew it was expensive so we said the fridge and won! We split the prizes.
I took the fridge and my dad took the other 2 prizes. You have to pay the taxes and can turn down anything you don't want. You can't exchange anything for its value in cash. You either take the prize and pay the fee or decline the prize. Honestly, we had a total blast. We went with quite a few people from work and swore them all to secrecy about us actually getting on stage because we knew our whole family would be together to watch the broadcast because it was going to air on a holiday.
So no one in the family knew we got on stage and won. It was so fun to share that all with them as we watched our episode air live with our family. Their reactions were the best part and so fun to share with everyone.
Also, the wheel is a lot heavier than I thought it would be. We got beat out and didn't make it to the showcase but have a great conversation piece when people go down to our basement and see our cool red retro fridge.
— Chris B. shares a great story:
I was on the Price is Right in the late 90’s. I was part of a club in college that went every year, Ski Club at Cal Poly SLO. Somebody always got picked. Whoever got in always gave Bob that year’s club shirt.
When you go as a group they set that group aside and each person from the group had like 30 seconds to say something about themselves. I had an ace in the sleeve that morning. I brought my Happy Gilmore VHS case and told them I wanted Bob to sign it.
After we had our "interviews" they told you to be back at a certain time, which I thought was weird as that leaves time to go a bar and have a few drinks. Shockingly, we actually behaved and come back. I don't know if anything has changed, but the set is total cheesy and looks like nothing has been changed since the 70’s.
Rob Roddy is basically on a barstool in the corner. I’m the first one called up to "Come on Down". First commercial break Bob is talking to the audience, looks at me, and goes something like, "I heard somebody has my greatest movie hits and wants me to sign it". I give him the Happy Gilmore VHS and he signs it, which my parents still have somewhere at their house.
Commercial break is over and we’re back up and running. You’re basically on the same time schedule as the show you would see on TV and they edit sound in for the games and the wheel. Bob talks to the audience at every commercial break.
I make it up on the third contest. I won a TV, speakers and VHS machine. Not bad for a college student as it was $1000.
I play a game called It’s in the Bag where there’s 5 bags where it doubles in prize money for each right answer and you have to guess the costs of each one with prices they have for you to pick from. I’m not really paying attention and talking to Bob.
I’ve worked in a grocery store in some capacity since high school. Tell Bob I got this. First three bags I get right, so I’m up $4000. Tell Bob to go for it. Something along the lines I came with nothing, I’ll leave with nothing. I get it wrong. I so wanted to tell Bob as I’m shaking his hand " the price is wrong bitch", but wuss out.
I’m second to spin the wheel and get 90. I’m looking out at my friends figuring we got this and going to the showcase showdown. Next I hear it’s a tie. No effing way! I get my one spin and it lands on 50, so literally have 50% chance.
Sidenote, the wheel is not heavy.

Bob Barker hosted 6,586 episodes of "The Price Is Right" before retiring in 2007, according to TODAY. (Photo by Mark Davis/Getty Images)
Other contestant spins higher and I sit in the front row of the side contemplating what could have been. Back to the cheesy set. One show a lady has a chance to win I believe a car. They accidentally partially show the next number when sliding over the number she was guessing at that time.
Not sure what she was looking at as she had no clue what to guess on the next number. Everybody in the audience is yelling in unison the same number and she picks something different. She deserved to lose. The showcase showdown the trips are basically on an easel the size of a post card.
After the show you have to tell them if you want your prize and you sign paperwork. Tax time comes and my dad goes you owe $500. I’m like what the hell, I don’t make any money as I’m a beer merchandiser in college.
He goes it was the gift tax from your Price is Right winnings. Not sure how people afford cars and/or anything big as that’s 50% of my winnings.
Sorry for the long winded story. I haven’t watched Price is Right since back in the day so don’t know if anything has really changed, but totally worth it. Go with a group to better your odds or doing something that’s going to make you stick out.
Felt kind of bad as there was a couple from Ohio that tried for a couple days to get on while they were on vacation. 10 hungover college students that barely made it on time to make the end of the line, and one of us gets on.
— Andrew was lucky enough to appear on the Wheel of Fortune and actually won some cash:
I was on the Wheel of Fortune - Secret Santa edition in December 2016. The process was pretty wild. It all started with making an audition video after a few cocktails and getting invited to a random Midtown Manhattan hotel banquet hall to play some practice rounds. I wasn't called back for the second session, so I figured my chances were done.
Flash forward 2 weeks, I am 5 hours into tailgating for Auburn/Clemson and the call came. Have to be in Culver City in a week.

Pat Sajak hosted more than 8,000 episodes of "Wheel of Fortune" before retiring in 2024. (Eric McCandless/ABC via Getty Images) PAT SAJAK
You pay for everything but get a small hotel discount and they bus you over early to the studios. Pretty quickly you learn Pat Sajak has the best job ever. He does 5 shows in 1 day and works 1 week a month. Pretty sure he has a martini under in his cup but cannot confirm. He kept it very casual so it made it easier as we taped. I answered a question right before the buzzer, and during the break he whispered "You're pretty f'ing lucky kid".
I won my round and went to the bonus round, during the set up for that we talked about the Orioles and baseball. He couldn't have been cooler. Ended up winning $15k and a trip.
— Scott in Rocky Point, NY shares:
Can't say I've been a game show per say. I stood in line many years back to try out for Fear Factor. Had zero chance, they were looking for studs and babes.
I was on an episode of Kitchen Nightmares. I've been a union extra here in NY since 2006. Was sent a casting call for that show in a Queens restaurant. Too my brother and his wife in with me. We were part of the opening scene (without Ramsey) and was told to say anything about the food they gave you. PAs were Roaming around listening and if they heard you say something bad they'd get a camera over and you'd have to reenact what you said.
Had shell bits in the baked clams. Wrong apps delivered. Steak cooked wrong. Total setup.
Anyway if I ever made Wheel or Price is Right I'd have to seriously hurt someone buying all the vowels or bidding $1 over mine.
Ask a multi-day Jeopardy winner questions about the show…yes, he's a Screencaps reader
Brendan, who has been emailing me since 2001, revealed to me on Thursday that he has a history on Jeopardy and he actually won three straight shows.
— Brendan writes:
Let me know what you think the readers would like to know/have me focus on; if there are any specific questions from the reader who wanted to hear about the experience, please pass them along.
- Which category threw you off and why?
- Was there a category that came up that you knew you'd run through? What was it?
- Did Alex send you home with any souvenirs? Autographed Jeopardy video game? Signed 8X10?
- How do the taxes work?
Who else has a question for a Jeopardy champ?
Email: joekinsey@gmail.com
Screencap Recap!
Screencaps Recap With Joe Kinsey
I think Cornbread is now reading Screencaps
— Matt in Colorado writes in on the Redskins vs. Commanders topic:
I've enjoyed the discussion from Screencaps Nation this week regarding the Redskins/Commanders dynamic. As a lifelong fan and somebody who grew up in the general DC area (and moved away from the cesspit years ago) I think it's important to note how little connection the team has now to the city of DC, which almost exclusively houses some of the worst and most entitled people on Earth. Few people who live in the actual city are fans and the fact that they were the biggest driving force behind the name change continues to be egregious.
The actual fans of the team are almost exclusively from the suburbs, exurbs and rural areas across WV, MD, VA and into the south as they were historically the only team south of Baltimore for decades. I also remain suspicious of anybody that enthusiastically refers to themselves as a fan of the Commanders without giving some reference to Redskins.
The name change is a vanity cause for the perpetually offended who think they are saving the world by forcing a football team to switch names because the word 'skin' is in it.. Is the word a pejorative? Potentially, but in the same way that "Yankees" is. Nobody names their team in mockery.
I'll be watching on Sunday and rooting for the team (how can you not unless you're an "Eglges" fan) but will always feel a frustrated sadness when I hear "Touchdown Commanders!" and when 'Hail to the Redskins' isn't played after a score at home.
The Texas truck that was dragging the U.S. flags and f-bombing Trump
— Jeff M. emails:
I saw the truck in Texas where the shitbag was dragging US flags and F ing Trump on his back windshield. I can 100% guarantee that POS was in one of the few blue cities in this otherwise red state. If he had been in any small town he would have had his ass kicked and would most likely needed a trip to the ER. And his truck wouldn't have fared much better.
God bless Texas, the USA and Trump!!

How to take care of a rabbit invasion
— Jeff in Carmel says get a weapon:
Tell Mike in Peabody
Remington AirMaster 77 BB & Pellet gun
Add in the Crossman Premier Destroyer (.177 caliber/4.5mm) pellets
Should be street legal for the backyard.
— Keith echoes Jeff's message:
12 Guage pump
— RW wants to keep this simple:
Get a live trap and bait it with pet rabbit food from the pet store. It's like bunny cocain, they can't resist. Once caught disposal is up to you.
— Bud G. says:
Two things that have worked for me.
Crushed Red Pepper Flakes. Sprinkle over existing droppings. COSTCO sells 10 oz. containers.
If entry area is confined to one small space, hang a rabbit carcass in that area.
— Otis in Mobile suggests:
All you need to know is in this video.
— As for the pellets, Jim M. says:
(Ed. note: Google it.)
— Kevin in Toboso says it's time for target practice:
Get a pellet gun.. a good one with a scope if you haven't shot before. Pop them in the head and they'll die right there. Skin, gut and you have a meal Xavier Legette would be proud to grill, fry or even BBQ.
Personal favorite is to throw in the insta-pot, pressure cook and bam you have pulled rabbit sandwhich. Saves on groceries, pure grass fed meat and fewer rabbits. Said pellet gun also works on squirrel, raccoons, whistlepigs and other varmints. Good hunting!
Southerner fires back at Guy G in Western New York who took a shot at the Southerners for their snow emotions this week
— TV in Birmingham writes:
Enjoy plowing your driveway, glad we don't have to deal with that down here. I hope he doesn't turn to dust when it touches 90 degrees once up there this summer.
What the hell was that cheesesteak in Screencaps?
I slipped in a photo of a cheesesteak at some U.K. soccer match that looked like the world's worst cheesesteak.
— Delco Scott nearly threw up:
The picture of that "philly" cheesesteak could possibly be the scariest looking cheesesteak known to mankind. Being from the Philly area, I instantly broke out in hives. Keep up the great work!
The Ts have moved to Valencia, Spain
— Mike T. shares the sights from their new location for the Google Maps crowd to track:

And look at this lunch spread that Cindy T. is about to destroy!

That's it. I'm out of time. It's freezing cold, but the sun is out and we're all breathing through another day of life.
Let's go be productive citizens.
Email: joekinsey@gmail.com