Hockey Player Avery Myers Could Be The Next Big Star, Charissa Thompson Joe Burrow Injury Report Jokes & Shohei's Dog Seems Fun
What a Thursday that was for the record books
Here in NW Ohio, we hit 69 degrees on a beautiful November day that has me wanting to fire up a two-stroke engine to continue this hot streak that global warming is on. That Flora Cardoni woman in Philadelphia was probably clutching her pearls as she watched the Weather Channel.
Meanwhile, there were like five huge events that historians will look back on 50 years from now:
• Michael J. in Chiraq writes:
With Burrow heading to the locker room. Figured I'd do a quick wellness check on you. Not good!
It appears all the catching up and the getting healthy and staying healthy and we just need to survive and advance has officially caught up to the Bengals and this seems to be the final nail in the coffin for the 2023 season.
The remaining schedule has a .646 winning %.
Now I turn my attention to rooting for the Lions to break all sorts of curses.
Evan G., who says he gave up on the NFL in 2016, might want to reconsider his stance for a magical Lions season
• Tom L. says:
When Evan identified himself as a Lions fan, I felt the need to encourage him to return. The Lions are actually pretty good this year. They don't seem to have anyone in the NFC North who can challenge them for the division title, and the NFC overall is as open as it has been for a while.
Don't miss out on your team being good after you've dealt with so many bad seasons. With Thanksgiving a week away, it seems wrong for a Lions fan living in Texas to miss the traditional Thanksgiving games.
This is actually a very good suggestion from Tom.
I hope Evan gives the Lions on Thanksgiving Day a chance just to feel the nostalgia of what that day means to Lions fans who have struggled for so long. The crowd will be raucous. The emotions will be pouring out as the hated Packers come to town.
Don't be surprised if you see fans openly weeping in the stands on Thanksgiving Day if everything works out as it should and this team goes to 9-2 and pretty much clinches the NFC North.
I'm not telling Evan to become an NFL fan again because it feels like the emotional scars are deep and there's no going back. I'm just hoping for one day there's that feeling of home and better times when he was an NFL fan who could enjoy Thanksgiving with his Lions.
• Evan G. in Texas actually wrote Thursday about the response to his NFL email and says:
Thanks for posting my email below on Screencaps! And, happy with the responses it got! They gave me some food for thought, but not changing my mind… yet.. Or maybe I’ll hate-watch the NFL, LOL!!
Here are a couple more additions to the sunrise/sunset topic.. These are sunset shots from California a few years ago when we went to see the Steelers play the Chargers at “the Murph”. First one is the Hotel Del Coronado and the other is from Mission Beach – I think. Thanks again!

• Jess in Alabama wants to share her feelings on Evan's email:
I wanted to add in on Evan’s NFL boycott. I have very similar feelings to his; however, like many others who wrote in, just love watching football and couldn’t give it up. I still get frustrated by the end zone & helmet virtue signaling (yeah, your “end racism” helmet sticker is really changing the world. So great too when the player is caught in an on-field fight screaming profanity).
And very frustrated when there’s a commercial about how the NFL partners with organizations who are helping “criminal injustice,” something I believe Bobby Burack has written about and its hypocrisy.
But like Louie said, if you give up everything that is woke, there’s very little left (at least in the sports world).
And there are still pro athletes who are easy to root for (if your allegiance to certain teams allows it), like CJ Stroud or Jonathan Isaac. And maybe Josh Dobbs, but that could just be Tennessee fans hah.
That's a GREAT point about finding the guys you can root for. That should actually be a Screencaps list that is continually updated and posted in this column.
I'm going to ask Jess to find free time in her day while being mom to brainstorm some more names that should be on the list.
• John in Milford, MI feels for Evan G.:
Responding to Evan G. in Georgetown, TX. I am a fellow Lions fan from the Detroit area, and I think I am a year or two ahead of him on the NFL forgiveness curve. I was a diehard fan for 40 years, but I too stopped watching when the whole kneeling business started. My younger son has become a fan, and watching games with him has lured me back in (the Lions not sucking has helped too). Thankfully I haven’t seen much of anything political so far this year.
What I am not liking in this new, rediscovered NFL is the excessive ref influence on the games. Aside from them having an unhealthy crush on the Chiefs, what is with all the pass-interference penalties?
Watching the Ravens-Bengals tonight, I can’t help but notice that an inordinate number of deep pass plays both in this game and in the NFL in general this season have resulted in a flag.
If I was the OC for an NFL team I would chuck it deep every play and just assume I am picking up a first down at the spot of the foul often enough to get me in the red zone every possession.
Bold is my emphasis. John's right. The throw-it-up and wait-for-the-flag play should be in every playbook.
Todd Z. IS BACK!
• The leader of the Todd Z. & the Sunset/Sunrise Haters community checks in:
To be perfectly clear, I never asked you to ban anything. I simply stated that in my opinion we have seen enough and it's time for something else.
As Clay so masterfully said "I believe in the First Amendment and boobs."
Todd Z. is suggesting people send in military photos. Here's the deal, send in what you like, but I'd prefer if it's a photo you took because if you're sending in random photos you found on the Internet, they'll need to be embeds because I just can't go uploading all sorts of photos and have photographers coming after me.
Exotic Wood Mike Checks In!
• EWM writes:
Really appreciate you bestowing the title of "Screencaps' exotic wood expert", I will add it to my email signature line.
I can't believe the breadth and depth of the content here over the last few weeks; sunrises, sunsets, military service stories, crockpot ribs and what to expect at a charity golf tournament. Wow. I'm sure the suggestions will come fast and furious with the "gift ideas" you asked for today.
Speaking of, the sunrise picture for Todd Z. was taken in Myrtle Beach 2 weeks ago while I was there with the Mrs. celebrating my Birthday. She presented me with the Oculus 2, which I then proceeded to download GOLF +, IT IS AWESOME! (your recommendation) I have the weighted club attachment which makes it even more realistic. I bet I have played 30 rounds in the last 2 weeks! Great gift suggestion!
The wood picture is something we're doing in the Cameroons from a species called Eyek. This is a "table" made from a log that has significant rot in the pith (center). The rot makes it unsuitable to cut into lumber, so we essentially carve it into a table and use the rot as a design element.
This is just further proof that we don't need some Enviro-Journalist telling us how to manage a natural resource.

Merry Christmas to the Exotic Wood Mike fans on this final Friday before Thanksgiving. That was my gift to you as many of you start to spread out across the country for the holidays. The EWM fans are freaks. If he doesn't check in, they'll start emailing like the junkies they are.
Northern Lights and plantar fasciitis
• Scott does this foot stuff for a living. Listen up:
I've been reading Screencaps for about 2 years now and have enjoyed your column.
I thought I would way on on your plantar fascitis content. I am a podiatrist, so I have an idea of what works best. What I tell my patients with plantar fasciitis, the best thing for it is stretching.
All the other treatments help get rid of the inflammation in the plantar fascia, but stretching will help take care of the problem. The stretch I have ounce the best for my patients is to sit down with your leg straight. Take a towel or a belt around the ball of your foot and pull towards until you feel a good pull.
The stretch should not be painful. Then hold the stretch for 10 seconds. Do ten of those. Wait a few minutes. Then do 10 more. Do that stretch twice a day.
A few things in regard to the stretching: More is not better, hold for 10 seconds, and do not pull toward too hard. 2 sets of 10, twice a day.
Also I’m going to include some pictures of Northern Lights. My wife and I were in Iceland last September and caught them near the end of our trip. It was unbelievable and pictures do not do it justice.
Keep doing what you’re doing.

Northern Lights -- see them with your own eyes
• Jake in (cloudy) Oregon writes:
Sorry, no pics but grew up in the northern Great Plains and loved seeing the northern lights. Pictures can't compare to seeing them "live" and moving. Unfortunately live in a cloudy place at lower latitudes with city lights now and my viewing options are limited. I know people who have flown up to fairbanks to catch a glimpse.
I encourage SC members to make the effort to see them, they are pretty good at forecasting them now. You won't regret it!
Northern Lights and vets
• Randy from Chiraq writes:
I hesitate to respond to Scott H.'s Northern Lights commentary but yes, I have seen them as a kid and thought the world was ending.
But, the real reason I wanted to respond is I have a suspicion that Scott H of NH is a veteran. As a civilian, I know a few Marines that always have a hard time over Veterans Day weekend, they are Iraq and Afghanistan vets. It takes them a week or so to come out of the malaise of invisible scars they carry.
If he is, I would like to say (a probably very vapid), thank you and suggest that the SC community start a veterans group where they can connect and wear their hearts on their sleeves outside of the usual suspects they rely on.
Just a thought from a civvie.
Deer blind sunrises are just different
• Shawn from Canby, OR writes:
From my deer blind in Custer, MI.

Pro football team name analysis
• John L. writes:
Joe, for the amusement of your readers:
Jets - stands for, Just End The Season
Bills - stands for, Boy I Love Losing Superbowls
Any others out there?
Ohio State and Michigan fans keep going at it...I think they're fighting over that clip Sherrone Moore was wearing to hold his headset cord...that's just how it is around here this time of year
• James S. takes a return shot at Anonymous Lions Fan who also loves Michigan:
The solution to the problem does exist. If UoM can not afford it, I'll gladly provide. A good look and presentation is paramount. Olivia Dunne knows this.

2023 Screencaps Christmas Gift Guide: What's the hot gift of the year? What should men buy for their wives? What should wives buy for their husbands?
If you own a company and you sell Christmas items, here's your open invitation to pimp your product. Promote it. Pimp it. Pound your chest. Tell us about the product. Be an entrepreneur.
• Arin in Alabama suggests:
Necklace or bracelet with birthstones of kids…
• Brandon C. in Pinckney, MI who told us all about defense contractor conferences in Russia suggests:
Reliable battery-powered mini-chainsaw.
I've gone through 2 of the cheapo versions that relatives gave me as a fathers day gift from Temu/amazon/etc and even though i knew they were going to burn out because of cheap-ass Beijing Electric Co wiring, it was still one of the most useful tools I've ever had and I want another.
Now I'm asking the wife for a an actual rugged one, preferably made by a name brand USA company-- at least if this one goes bad, the warranty will be good outside of Xinjiang province.
I mean the STIHL one comes with a holster!

It's nice to receive messages like this from the old-school Screencaps vets who've been around for the last couple of years
• Homebrew Bill L. in Nebraska writes:
Joe, today's column was a top five in my time of being a Screencaps reader. It's like a cross section of America. Screencaps has helped greatly in keeping my sanity. Cheers buddy.
• Paul in Cincy says:
That was a grand slam today! I love the responses regarding Evan G. and his boycott of the NFL and also the MLB commentary.
I was out on all pro sports for a good part of 2020-2022 because of the wokeness and playing games in empty stadiums due to the VID madness that gripped the world. Now things feel sort of normal so I’ve gradually returned but the passion has drained a bit.
Oliver Anthony on Put-In-Bay
• Alex R. writes:
Just saw the Tour schedule for Oliver Anthony and that he is going to be at Put-in-Bay for a festival. Based on the crowds I have seen him drawing how do you think that weekend goes on the island?
I can imagine some crazy overflow on the ferry Not sure what the normal crowds are there but that appears to be a surge weekend

Keep in mind that August 21, 2024, is a Wednesday. The Put-In-Bay concert series has been a weekday thing to pack the hotels through the week and because there's no possible way they could pull off a weekend concert festival with the number of people who flock to the island on a normal weekend.
I love it when guys my dad's age like Bob B. check in and tell me about life in their neck of the woods
• Bob B. in Iowa writes:
Thanks for your daily deal. Don’t usually get to it until late in the day but I seldom miss it. Thought I’d add a non-beach/ocean pic since some readers are tiring of the same old thing.
This view out my kitchen window at breakfast time last Feb. 23. Winter can last a while in NW Iowa. Salute to the hardy souls in Crosby, ND.
We usually get their weather about a day later. Perspective: golf courses opened here five weeks after this date. Thanks for bringing real America to us every day.

And one more sunset as we close down the work week because it's from a reader in my hometown (by birth)
• Ron in Dayton, OH writes:
Beautiful sunset at Hilton Head Island, SC

Thank you to Ron and all of you who continue to hammer the email inbox with thoughtful messages, sunrises and sunsets that speak to the soul of the emailer and all of you who make this such a fun column to create on a daily basis.
Now let's go have a great weekend.
Take care.