Hillary Clinton Getting Ripped To Shreds For Misleading Post About Tampons And Students

It's almost hard to believe that Hillary Clinton is still politically relevant in 2024, but the Democratic Party also just ousted their sitting president, so I reckon anything goes over there. 

Like Florida, it's the Wild Wild West. Unlike Florida, they're all nuts, but that's neither here nor there. 

Anyway, Crooked Hillary (although I think he retired that one) tried to take a jab at Donald Trump and the Trump campaign over their comments on Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz's VERY INCLUSIVE BILL that put tampons in every single bathroom at every single school for students from 4th to 12th grade. 

Obviously, the bill is under the microscope right now because A) Walz is on the Kamala Harris ticket (what a time to be alive), and B) you'll notice I didn't see female. I said students. 

Not female bathrooms. All bathrooms. 

So, if you're a fourth grade boy in Minnesota, you have access to tampons in your public school bathroom. Nice. Glad we're checking off that box, Tim. 

Anyway, Hillary Clinton and all the Democrats are obviously acting like they support this – they don't, but they need to pander – which leads us to this below tweet from Hillary that's getting absolutely torn to shreds today:

You're not fooling us, Hillary Clinton

Compassionate and common-sense policy!!!!! They're NUTS. It's incredible. Truly amazing. 

For starters, it's a misleading post. Community notes should be all over this one, although I don't know if you wanna be messing with the Clintons. Ballsy little move. 

Frankly, I'm a little scared to be blogging about them right now. If I don't show up for Monday's Nightcaps, you'll know why. 

Beyond that, though, it's just wild to me that Hillary Clinton, a woman, puts up with this crap. Insanity. They have no standards. None. 

For those who don't follow Minnesota politics – how could you not?? – this law was signed a year ago and requires public schools to provide menstrual products — including pads and tampons — to students in 4th through 12th grades.

Students, not females, which led to Republicans calling Timmy Walz Tampon Tim. That, obviously, prompted Hillary Clinton to defend Tim – again, even though she doesn't actually believe it – which then prompted social media to roast her like a marshmallow. 

It was a little hard to do because Hillary has her comments turned off – wonder why? – but the great folks of Twitter still found a way. 


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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.