Heidi Klum Does A Topless Wing Eating Contest, NFL Reporter Melanie Collins Ready For Summer & Chipotle Brawl

It's the first full day of summer – what the hell are you doing in class right now? Get outta here! It's summer break. Summer vacation. Time for the kids to get wild, and the teachers to let loose. 

See you in August! 

Wait. Please don't go. I need this job. I have my yearly review next week, so if you could just stay a little longer I may be able to put food on the table through July. May. We'll see. 

Staying on this island full of billionaires and trying to blend in certainly ain't helping, but whatever. 

On that note, welcome to a Friday Nightcaps – the one where we steal Heidi Klum back from Screencaps and mow down some wings with her. What a content run she's been on lately, and summer just started. Can't wait to see how this unfolds. 

What else? I've got NFL on CBS sideline reporter Melanie Collins getting charged up for the summer run, Bud Light going untouched in Birmingham (who knew that was still going on?!), the Biden team making an unreal decision after winning the coin flip against Trump and Kelly Stafford taking on water because she was a little minx back in college. 

Weren't we all?

Grab some SPF 50 for the first full day of summer, and then go get you some sex on the beach – relax, it's an actual drink – before settling in for a mixed bag Friday 'Cap!

Heidi Klum starts summer by shedding some layers 

We ain't waiting around for the good stuff today. You showed up to class on the first day of summer. You deserve better than that. 

See? Summer school has its perks!

Heidi Klum has been on an unreal bender lately. Absolute content machine. She's been in thongs, lingerie, skirts and bras on the Instagram machine just in the last week alone, and she was back at it last night. 

This time, though, she was dominating some chicken wings for reasons unknown. No argument here, by the way. 

I'm all in on this psycho Titans girl 

Welcome back to class, Heidi! I know it ain't as fancy as Screencaps, but we do OK around here. We may not have the bells and whistles, but we have grit, and that's worth something in today's world. 

PS: best hot wing in America? I know it sounds like a cop-out, but the Hooters OG wings are still the GOAT in my opinion. There's just something about them. 

PPS: blue cheese is better than ranch when it comes to the hot wing game. There, I said it. 

Next? You see this story about the Titans chick who went INSANE a few weeks ago? I couldn't be more all in if I tried. 

From Joe Kinsey:

Just five months after starting a job as a Tennessee Titans Inside Sales Executive, Instagram model Mary-Kate Wichalonis already has a Nashville mugshot after being arrested at a Broadway bar. 

According to a police report obtained by Scoop Nashville, Wichalonis was arrested on a public intoxication and assault charge after the incident at the Dierks Bentley-branded bar. 

Security at the bar tells the Metro Nashville Police Department that Mary-Kate tried to sneak her boyfriend into the bar and became combative when security tried to remove her from the property. 

The report states that the new Titans employee, who has over 30,000 Instagram followers, struck a security guard six times in the head. 

Kelly Stafford mowed through Georgia QBs

When police asked the University of Georgia grad, who was a member of Tri-Delta, about the incident, she admitted to attempting to sneak her boyfriend into the bar because he'd lost his ID, according to the report obtained by Scoop. 

I mean, did we even need Joe to clarify that Mary-Kate here was a Tri-Delta girl from Athens? Least surprising twist in the history of twists. Saw that one coming a mile away. 

The UGA girls are built different, you know. Just ask … Kelly Stafford!

Biden's coin toss, Bud Light in Birmingham & Chipotle fight!

I blogged about it yesterday, but it's worth doubling down on it today … I don't see the issue here. People are PISSED at Kelly for fooling around with Matt's backup to make him jealous, but it's not like she reinvented the wheel here. 

Frankly, it's a tale as old as time. 

Was it sort of a scumbag move? Sure. But kids are, by nature, scumbags. You were a scumbag in college. I was a scumbag in college. 

We did things between the ages of 15-24 that we'll all take to our graves. You're thinking of one right now. Personally, I could write a book. The difference here is, Kelly Stafford usually shoots from the hip and says whatever the hell is on her mind. 

I'm #TeamKelly here. Because most of Twitter is on the other side, I know I'm right. Feels good!

Rapid-fire time on this first Friday of summer. First up? Did you know they decided certain presidential debate terms via … coin toss?

Hilarious. Now, I have absolutely zero knowledge of what the right strategy here is. Again, until about five seconds ago, I didn't even realize we did this. Color me shocked. 

Anyway, what's the NFL equivalent of Biden essentially kicking with the wind instead of receiving to start overtime? It got me thinking, and then it hit me …

My good Nantucket friend, Bill Belichick, pulled off this exact move a decade ago!

Now, to be fair, Belichick did the same thing a few years earlier against the Broncos and the Pats ended up winning. So, he went 1 for 2 in that department over his career. We'll have to see how this one works out for the Biden team. 

I can promise you I know who Bill will be rooting for, though!


Here's another unpopular take … Chipotle? Overrated as hell, and not just because of this nonsense. It's just not very good. 

In fact … Moe's is better. By a lot. Welcome to Moe's! 

OK – two more and then we're all off to summer camp with Melanie Collins, I promise. Hang in there. 

This is related to absolutely nothing, but I'd be remiss if I didn't give Return to Oz a major Nightcaps shoutout today. 

Oh, what's Return to Oz? Come on! It's the little known sequel to Wizard of Oz! It was released on this day in 1985, and it still gives me nightmares to this day. No, I ain't kidding. I literally think about scenes from this movie at least once a month:

I don't have enough bandwidth or patience to post every clip from this movie on here, but trust me, it's worth your time. One of the wildest sequels to a classic I've ever seen. The amount of drugs they had to be on whilst penning the script for this masterpiece must've been staggering. What a time. 

Makes you wanna have a drink – unless, of course, it's Bud Light!

NFL reporter Melanie Collins takes us into a big weekend 

Hilarious. And this is, what – 15 months later? Insane staying power. Oh well. You live and learn. 

Anyway, that's it for today – and this week. Let's get out there and do some damage this weekend with NFL reporter Melanie Collins. She's charged up for the first weekend of summer and so am I. 

Now, let's get after it. 

OutKick Nightcaps is a daily column set to run Monday through Friday at 4 p.m. (roughly, we’re not robots).

You ever lose your top during a chicken wing eating contest? Email me at Zach.Dean@OutKick.com. 



Written by
Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.