Hawk Tuah Girl Gets The Silent Treatment At Country Music Festival In Painfully Awkward Video

Well, it was nice while it lasted, but I think Hawk Tuah is donezo. Honestly, Haliey Welch lasted way longer in the spotlight than I ever imagined, so I give her props. 

But, if this below video is any indication, I think her time in the news cycle is pretty much done. The 15 minutes of fame are up. America has moved on, which makes sense given the fact that we nearly witnessed a former president get assassinated one week ago. 

When that happens, everything else tends to take a backseat, and that's pretty much what's happened in the country. Unfortunately, Hawk Tuah girl Haliey Welch appears to have fallen victim to this. 

She was at the Rock the South country music festival earlier this week for some reason, and took the stage to little fanfare. 

And by little, I mean nobody acknowledged her existence:

All good things must come to an end, even for Hawk Tuah

Yeah, not great. I think society has collectively moved on. It's why I was stunned when Hawk Tuah girl Haliey Welch didn't immediately pounce on her newfound fame last month. 

She sort of slow-rolled it, which was dumb. When you go internet-viral in 2024, you HAVE to capitalize as fast as you can, because our news cycle is vicious. It's so quick nowadays that if you blink, you miss out. Now, she didn't start and OnlyFans or join Playboy, which I sort of respected because it showed she has a backbone. Props. 

But you're also just pouring hundreds of thousands – if not millions – of dollars down the drain if you fall asleep at the wheel. In this case, Hawk Tuah girl sort of did something in between. She didn't completely ignore her 15 minutes of fame because she did sign with an agency and whatnot, but did she make the most money possible before simply fading away? 

Eh. Probably not. Oh well. Maybe there's a sequel in the future? Who knows. Can't wait to find out. 

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.