Hawk Tuah Spits On Citi Field After Throwing First Pitch For Mets, Crowd Groans

Based on what went on Thursday afternoon at Citi Field, Hawk Tuah's 15 minutes of fame aren't over just yet. 

Viral superstar Miss ‘Spit on That Thang’ was called out of the D-list bullpen to throw out a first pitch for the New York Mets because, of course, she did. Sporting a No. 1 Mets jersey, Hawk Tuah, whose real name is Haliey Welch, actually threw a pretty decent ball to a female friend of hers before Mr. Met came and took a photo with the two of them while parents in the crowd did their best to avoid answering why she's famous. 

And then, just like Larry The Cable Guy screaming Get Errrr Done! or Paris Hilton nauseatingly telling us That’s Hot, when in fact it was not hot, Hawk Tuah… SPIT ON THE FIELD! Well done, Tuah, I'm sure your publicist had a bigger grin than Doc Gooden winning the 1986 World Series. 


The Citi Field afternoon Mets crowd sounded just as one would expect when you hear Hawk Tuah’s name these days. Some were cheering her and trying to get her attention just as many did when Snooki started getting popular during the early seasons of MTV’s Jersey Shore

Others let out a giant groan. Of course, Haliey knows that as the haters continue to chirp and boo her, that deep down inside they are wondering how they themselves can go viral.

And she's laughing all the way to the bank, literally, as Tuah is now making FIVE FIGURES for every public appearance

For what exactly? Well, Mets fans know the answer to that, for better or worse!

Written by
Mike “Gunz” Gunzelman has been involved in the sports and media industry for over a decade. He’s also a risk taker - the first time he ever had sushi was from a Duane Reade in Penn Station in NYC.