Hawk Tuah Blasts Her Critics, Says Mets First Pitch Was For Military Vets

Hawk Tuah is letting her haters know that if they don't appreciate her, then they also hate dogs AND military vets.

The drama all happened after some loser New York Mets fans were OUTRAGED that the team could somehow have Hawk Tuah throw out the first pitch of yesterday's game. As I wrote at the time, there was a mixture of both cheers and some booing. Why the groans? Because it's Hawk Tuah and anytime there's a pseudo-celebrity people love to hate them - just ask Snooki.

Well, Tuah took to social medi today to call out the trolls and anyone that was "so bothered" by her appearance at Citi Field yesterday by letting them all know that she was there to support DOGS and MILITARY VETS - two things that every person in this country should be supporting. 

"So I guess some of the baseball community wasn't too happy to see me yesterday. The main reason I went to the game was to spread awareness and donate to America's vet dogs which pairs dogs with war veterans for a forever home," the ‘Spit on that Thang’ viral Tuah posted.

Well done, Hailey. Way to flip the script. "Screw me? No, no - screw you! And while we're at it, you also hate dogs AND our military!" 


It's the 2nd great PR move that she has done in 24 hours.

The first?

Spitting on the Mets' mound after she threw out the first pitch. It's her version of Macho Man Randy Savage screaming, "Oh yeah! Snap into a Slim Jim!" or Paris Hilton saying "That's hot," or one of your friends that always has to wear aviators despite it being pitch black outside. 


And any Met fan that was truly upset about Hailey throwing out the first pitch is full of it. Spare me the holier-than-thou, BS rhetoric. For a sport that is desperately in need of a younger demographic, the Mets actually finally did th right thing here - they brought out the most viral influencer right now who ALSO supports animals and our military. 

Might be the Mets' biggest win they've had in decades!


Written by
Mike “Gunz” Gunzelman has been involved in the sports and media industry for over a decade. He’s also a risk taker - the first time he ever had sushi was from a Duane Reade in Penn Station in NYC.