Harry Potter Fans Hilariously Disappointed By Lack Of Hogwarts Express Announcement

I don't know what you were up to on September 1, but Harry Potter fans in the UK were showing up to King's Cross Station in London for a celebration of their favorite fictional wizardry school that didn't even happen.

So, for the uninitiated, in the Harry Potter world, September 1 is back-to-school day and that's when all the wizards and witches load up their trunks (by the way, why is there not one wizard who shows up with a normal Samsonite suitcase?) for a year of magical education.

To commemorate this — although, I'm not sure if you can commemorate something that isn't real — the folks at King's Cross Station play an announcement for the fictional Hogwarts Express, which takes the students to Hogwarts in the books.

Lots of fans show up every year to hear this announcement, which is insane in and of itself. Why would anyone willingly go to a train station to hear a crackly announcement over the loudspeaker? Even if they were saying, "Quick reminder: Matt Reigle is very handsome and incredibly smart," I wouldn't show up.

Actually, that one I might show up for.

But Potterheads — at least the ones who haven't turned on JK Rowling for her understanding of basic biology — wanted to hear the Hogwarts Express announcement and hundreds of them showed up… only for it to not happen.

As soon as they did the countdown and nothing happened, in my head I just heard that sound they play on The Price Is Right when you lose.

The one that goes, "Do-do-d-dooooo, WWWAAAAAaaaaaaahhhhh…"

But don't feel too bad for these folks — if you do at all — because Warner Bros. which owns the franchise and runs a Harry Potter stop inside the station was telling people not to come this year and that the announcement wouldn't be read, per Sky News.

They didn't give a reason for that, but if I had to guess, a bunch of people cosplaying as wizards kind of causes headaches for people trying to navigate through a busy train station and get from A to B.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.