Haitian President Spills All Over Himself While Trying To Drink From Pitcher: Was It An Alpha Move Gone Wrong?

Haitian President Edgard LeBlanc Fils spoke to the United Nations this week, but no one is really talking about what he said, we're transfixed on his wild attempt to take a massive swig straight from the water pitcher.

LeBlanc Fils was trying to galvanize the rest of the world to come to Haiti's aid in a time of crisis, and in the middle of his speech, he got a little parched.

No problemo, that big ol' pitcher of water isn't sitting next to the podium for looks. That there is drinkin' water, my guy.

And drink President LeBlanc Fils did… sort of, he spilled a lot of it because he said no thank you to pouring the water in a glass, and went straight for the pitcher.

Now, I refuse to believe that their president didn't know how pitchers worked, so I have some theories as to how this may have happened.


I've never spoken in front of the UN, but I assume it's like giving a best-man speech in front of the worst crowd imaginable. 

Everyone's just waiting for it to end and at least half the room probably isn't a big fan.

So, the nerves can get to you, and perhaps that's what happened here.

LeBlanc Fils got a little cotton-mouthed, tried to solve the problem, but panicked and took the shortest path to some H20 and that was to skip the whole pouring it into a cup part (which is really just ceremonial if you think about it) and went straight for the pitcher.

Obviously, that was a poor choice given he ended up wearing most of the water, but hey, that's sometimes how it goes in these pressure cooker environments.

Ted Striker From Airplane! Impression To Lighten The Mood

As we mentioned, the UN seems like the stuffiest, least friendly room imaginable, so maybe LeBlanc Fils figured he'd lighten the mood and get everyone to relax with a quick impression.

But who to do? 

Hmm… maybe a politician? No, they might be in the room.

Schwarzenegger? Meh, everyone does Schwarzenegger.

Wait; that's it! Ted Striker from the movie Airplane! when he talks about having a "drinking problem."

Absolutely nailed it, if that's what he was going for. He's the Rich Little of spilling on himself.

People were probably cracking up if they've seen Airplane!, and honestly, who hasn't?

Alpha Move Gone Awry

Finally, I have one other hypothesis and that is that what we saw could have been an attempt at Alpha Male-ing the UN.

Everyone knows that Alphas drink out of big things. If you go to a gym, there's always one dude crushing water straight out of a gallon jug. No one will mess with him.

One time I went to a restaurant and they had a 2-for-1 beer special (great place) and they asked if I wanted two pint glasses or one giant mug. Of course, I went with the giant mug because I wanted the respect and admiration of my fellow diners (also I wanted to feel like a Viking) and got it.

I think that's what LeBlanc was going for. He said, "No Dixie cups for me thanks," and drank from the biggest vessel available. Note that the president also appears to be eyeballing someone while he sips, which is probably why he dumped a small bathtub full of water on his suit.

Whatever the reason may be, we saw a world leader spill water all over himself at the UN, and that, in itself, is objectively hilarious.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.