People Reveal Brutal Reality Of Being Shot, Stories Are Nightmare Fuel

A fascinating Reddit thread about gunshot wounds is going viral.

As OutKick readers know, I'm a bit of a fanatic when it comes to Reddit. I love scrolling around on the site because you never know what you're going to find.

Sometimes, you find a very uplifting thread full of heartwarming comments and stories. Other times, you might find yourself down a deep rabbit hole.

This time, it's a bit more educational.

People reveal what it's like to get shot.

A Reddit thread of people sharing stories about their experiences being shot is currently blowing up, and the stories are wild.

Check out some of the responses below, and let me know your thoughts at

  • I honestly didn't feel it at first, then it felt like several hot marbles were setting on my skin.
  • Got hit by a .38 in the vest back when I did security. Crackhead thought I was a cop. (stupid uniform design.) One minute I was walking, and the next I was flat on my back trying to breathe. Vest did it's job, but it felt like the hulk had slammed me in the ribs with a baseball bat. Had bruises for a while and cracked two ribs.
  • Right thigh, 9mm, grazing shot across the front of the leg about 4 inches above the knee. It plowed a channel of skin and some flesh off the front. It felt searing hot like someone had laid a hot piece of metal on my leg for a second. Then, the pain went away for a while until the adrenaline wore off. It honestly hurt worse 6 hours later than it did when it happened.
  • I didn't know I was shot at first. Then there was a dull ache and I could feel my pulse throbbing. What was actually much worse for me was when they put a saline solution bottle in the entry wound and flushed it out to the exit wound. Felt like it was ripping flesh.
  • Burns like hell and I cursed like a sailor
  • Took a round in my rear plate from a PKM while trying to desperately climb a mountainside where we were completely exposed because where they were shooting from SHOULD have been covered by an Afghan Army outpost, but they were all high as a kite and had no idea what was going on. Thankfully, this was from a very long range and the round was moving slow as f*ck by the time it hit me. Felt a lot like when we f*cked around with our training plates and kicked each other in the chest. My face impacting the rocky ground in front of me wasn't fun either. And then after getting back up and continuing to try and run up a mountainside in full kit I started feeling my pants get wet and cold and thought I was bleeding until it occurred to me that it probably wouldn't feel that cold. F*ckers murdered my CamelBak that was inside my bag. This was one of those good, name brand personally purchased ones too and not those nasty standard issue ones.
  • I was shot in the leg with a .44. It felt like I got kicked by a mule.
  • A platoon mate took an AK round to the sternum, but the SAPI plate absorbed it. He described it like laying down and someone taking a 10 pound long handle sledgehammer overhead swinging into his ribcage.
  • My mate was shot by a terrorist at the Bataclan in Paris. He described it as an intense burning sensation. After he told me how it went down, I was trying to imagine it. I would have dropped my bowels on the floor! Bastards need a full life sentence in solitary confinement for what they did!
  • Burning feeling, feels like death
  • It felt weirdly numb, no heat. It was a contact shot from a handgun so all the hot gases from the burning propellant went into the wound. The recovery wasn't terrible.
  • Like a kick from a mule followed by an intense burning sensation
  • Shot in the left shoulder, AK47. No pain. Million dollar wound.
  • It was an eye popping amount of adrenaline. I took my shirt off and plugged the hole the best I could and started going to the hospital. I didn't feel much pain just some panic when the blood loss wasn't stopping. 
  • I have actually been shot twice... The first time the shot hit my body armor, broke some ribs and knocked the wind out of me. The broken ribs hurt the most. The second time I had other more massive injuries and don't remember being shot at all.
  • Haven't been shot, but I've had RPG shrapnel pulled from my head. It f*cking burns. There's more blood than you think. If you hyped on adrenaline you might not even notice for a few seconds.
  • I was shot in the forehead with a .22LR - a grazing shot at that, and not very deep. But I looked like a victim in a horror movie, blood everywhere.

As weird as it might sound, I know a bunch of people who have been shot, and some have even appeared on American Joyride.

Their experiences vary from person to person when it comes to how much pain they felt at the time. One guy took a burst from an AK-47 through his arm. As he'll tell you, that one hurt like hell and there was no doubt he immediately knew he was hit.

Another took AK fire through one of his flanks and arms, and while he knew he'd been hit, he didn't feel much pain. A third got hit in the lower body, and I'm fairly certain he says he didn't really know at the time.

The good news is I've never been shot, and I have no intention of finding out what it's like. It certainly doesn't sound fun. That much I know for sure.

Do you have any experience with gunshot wounds? Let me know at

Written by
David Hookstead is a reporter for OutKick covering a variety of topics with a focus on football and culture. He also hosts of the podcast American Joyride that is accessible on Outkick where he interviews American heroes and outlines their unique stories. Before joining OutKick, Hookstead worked for the Daily Caller for seven years covering similar topics. Hookstead is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin.