Great MAGA Patriots Are FUMING At Donald Trump For Moving The Inauguration

Well, Donald Trump may be working from a deficit when he takes the oath on Monday – and I ain't talking about the mess Joe Biden is leaving him!

Nope. Unfortunately, Trump may have already lost the farmers. The farmers! He loves the farmers, and they are PISSED at him right now. And they're not alone. 

All of MAGA America is on edge this morning because Trump decided to pull the plug on the whole ‘having an inauguration outside during a polar vortex’ thing, and moved it inside late yesterday. 

Now, I get that. I'm a Florida boy. I lived in the Northeast for four years for college, and I moved back to Florida literally the second the final bell rang. Could leave fast enough – and that was before the northeast became a liberal hellhole!

I can't stand the cold. It's the worst. The absolute worst. And neither can Trump. And now, the farmers are angry. 


I'm with Trump!

Amazing. Look, I don't give a shit about any of it. All I care about is Trump putting pen to paper and signing whatever the hell he has to sign to officially take back the White House. 

Everything else is just pomp and circumstance. Frankly, it's also a good way to get shot again, so I'm doubly OK with him moving it inside. 

BUT, I do understand the fury from patriots who traveled long and wide to see the big day in person. Tough look for Trump. No doubt about it, as my buddy Collinsworth would say. 

Love the farmers at the end, too. We don't get to not feed the cows cause it's cold.

Incredible line. Love the passion. Love the farmers. Love our great cows! But, like Trump, I also love the warm weather. So, I'd move it inside, too. 

Or to Florida. Yeah, you know what? On second thought, he should've just told DC to piss off and held the damn thing in the greatest state in the country. 

Oh well. Next time!

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.