Government Releases UFO Report, Can't Provide Explanation For Multiple Sightings

The highly-anticipated UFO report is out, and it only raises more questions.

The government released a report breaking down what the public can know about UFO/UAP sightings, and it was revealed there have been a total of 510 sightings analyzed, according to

Interestingly, the military is responsible for the majority of the sightings. That's in-line with what we've covered here previously at OutKick about sightings being near military assets or locations.

However, things get a bit dicey from there.

What are UFO sightings?

Of the 510 UAP/UFO sightings, the report fails to find any explanation for 171 of them, according to the same report.

"Some of these uncharacterized UAP appear to have demonstrated unusual flight characteristics or performance capabilities, and require further analysis," the report claims.

Other sightings can be chalked up to drones or weather balloons.

More questions than answers?

As expected, the UFO report didn't really provide any concrete answers, and in fact, only opened up the door to more.

By the government's own accounting, roughly 33.5% of UAP sightings don't have an explanation. If you hit that percentage in the MLB, you'd be awesome.

It's not so awesome when the government can't identify UFOs at that rate. That's really concerning.

Are UFO sightings aliens or military tech?

A theory I've often had is that UFO sightings are often our own military tech the public doesn't know about.

That would explain why so many happen around military assets and in regions with a heavy military presence. The southwest is a hotspot for unexplained sightings.

You know what else is in the region? Area 51. Look at old UAP sighting stories and then look at what our tech looks like decades later. That's not a coincidence. The B-21 is straight out of a movie about aliens, but it's very real.

Whatever is up in the sky, it's time for some answers. People need to know what might be up there.

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David Hookstead is a reporter for OutKick covering a variety of topics with a focus on football and culture. He also hosts of the podcast American Joyride that is accessible on Outkick where he interviews American heroes and outlines their unique stories. Before joining OutKick, Hookstead worked for the Daily Caller for seven years covering similar topics. Hookstead is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin.