Government Is In Possession Of 'Up To 30' UFOs Recovered 'Since World War II,' Journalist Claims

More UFO allegations are coming out, and the latest one might involve the government having dozens of crashed crafts.

There was recently a hearing in Congress about UFOs and unexplainable events in the sky. The most shocking claim came from whistleblower David Grusch when he claimed the United States government absolutely has the remains of non-human bodies.

There were several other stunning claims, including the claim the United States has taken down at least one, people have been hurt to hide secrets and much more.

Does the government have crashed UFOs?

Now, UFO journalist Michael Shellenberger is claiming some people within the government have told him the USA doesn't just have one craft.

It has dozens.

"Very, very senior people with high-security clearances were afraid to talk to me. I believe that if they had talked to me , it could have been very bad for them. They were straight up. There’s somewhere at least on the north side of a dozen retrieved non-human craft. I have other people that say it’s up to 30 and that’s all since World War II," Shellenberger said in an interview with Glenn Beck (via MSN).

Interest in the subject of the unknown continues to fascinate Americans.

Americans are absolutely fascinated by UFOs and what's going on in the sky. Are aliens among us? Is it all part of a government program? Are the true believers crazy? Could the government be conducting a massive coverup?

The answers to all those questions are unknown. However, weird stuff doesn't stop happening. Below is a list of incidents and news from the past couple months:

People can't get enough of UFO claims, speculation and the mystery surrounding the topic. That's just a fact, and Michael Shellenberger is one of the biggest names in UFO journalism.

He's not some random dude who got high on the street and started rambling on about wild conspiracies.

Now, does it mean the claim is true? Of course not. None of this guarantees little green men are flying around, even if some members of congress absolutely believe that's the case and murders have happened to cover it up.

What is out there? Will we ever find out? Are we alone? There might not be any good answers right now, but we'll continue to hunt them down for the OutKick audience.

Written by
David Hookstead is a reporter for OutKick covering a variety of topics with a focus on football and culture. He also hosts of the podcast American Joyride that is accessible on Outkick where he interviews American heroes and outlines their unique stories. Before joining OutKick, Hookstead worked for the Daily Caller for seven years covering similar topics. Hookstead is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin.