Golf Maniac's Behavior Isn't An Isolated Incident, According To Ohio Golfers & Police Records

It's becoming clear that 41-year-old Ohio golfer John Reeb has a quick fuse.

The northwest Ohio native became a viral behemoth Thursday when video surfaced of Reeb berating golfers over a ball at Crooked Creek Golf Course in Ottawa Lake, Michigan. At this point, the exchange between Reeb and fellow golfers is something of a legend on the Internet in a matter of 24 hours.

"Dude, I’m not going to fight you over a f---ing golf ball," a man tells Reeb.

"You’re right, you’re not going to, Walter, because I’ll plant you, b---- boy. Now get the f--- off the cart!" Reeb screams at the man before ripping off his shirt.

"You see that! If you wanna test God, you f--king come get it, sh--stack!" Reeb continued. 

And just like that, you have all the makings of a historic Internet moment. While it's amusing to see Reeb go off like this and create a viral moment on the golf course, it turns out this guy (allegedly) could have a screw loose and a legitimate arrest record including domestic violence charges and two recent arrests, according to the Archbold (OH) Buckeye.

Google is littered with Reeb arrest records out of multiple jurisdictions going back several years.

Northwest Ohio golfer Alec Jaquillard reports he and his fellow golfers had their own run-in this summer with Reeb at Eagle's Landing Golf Course in Oregon, OH.

Jaquillard shared the following report via Twitter DMs:

So we have a golf league on Fridays, everybody knows about it and me and my partner went to play a few holes before league and that guy was behind us.

Normal acting person at the time as we drove back to the clubhouse we told him just as a heads up and he said alright, once again normal at that time. we start off on hole 14 he’s on 13 and once we get to 15 fairway he is behind us as we are waiting for the green to clear and he’s driving in figure 8s behind us looking around cluelessly.

Fast forward to hole 18(.) I am on the green as all 4 of us are and the guy hits towards the green and is about 5 feet from hitting me in the back of the head no fore call or anything atm. He drives up to his ball as we are on the green and is throwing up gang signs to the league owner who I’m facing at the time. the league owner goes up to him trying to talk and tell him that’s not right and just trying to calmly deescalate the situation and that is when the guy starts screaming at him(matt) and is telling him to step away and raising his voice more and more every time he talks.

Me and Matt then go to walk up closer to him and he’s screaming back away from my vehicle and starts walking towards us now and then he takes his shirt off runs at us and gets on his knees and faces the other way saying “Have you ever seen god?” then we just walk away tell him he needs help and he drives away and we just chirped him while he left(.)

Come to find out he also was heckling a duo of girl golfers at the same time. We think he was clearly on some sort of drug.

If you golf in Northwest Ohio, you've been warned. Things can go south very fast if you cross paths with Reeb. You should be on high alert at all times. Get a good look at that man. Save it to your phones. Be ready. Reeb could be lurking on a fairway near you.

Have you experienced the wrath of John Reeb on a Northwest Ohio or SE Michigan golf course? Share your story.


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Joe Kinsey is the Senior Director of Content of OutKick and the editor of the Morning Screencaps column that examines a variety of stories taking place in real America. Kinsey is also the founder of OutKick’s Thursday Night Mowing League, America’s largest virtual mowing league. Kinsey graduated from University of Toledo.