Golf Channel's Holly Sonders Gets Instagram Boot For Racy Video, Sooner Girls Love America & Bus Driver Snaps

My God. I'm still here. What a twist. 

For those counting at home, the First Lady is now four days late. Morale is low, but we're working through it. Maybe the kid doesn't wanna come into the world during DNC week? Honestly, I can't blame him. 

Can you imagine living in peace and sanity for nine months, and then you come into the real world and the first thing you see is the lunatics at the DNC? I'd scratch and claw my way back into the womb so fast heads would spin. I'd be like the kid from Christmas Story trying to climb back up the slide to see the alcoholic Santa. 

So, perhaps he'll wait for Kamala to unburden what has been and come later this week when the dust settles? Crafty little move, if you ask me. That's my boy!

On that note, welcome to a Monday Nightcaps – the one where we show the Dems what true patriotism looks like, courtesy of the Oklahoma girls over in Norman. 

Boomer Sooner!

What else? Speaking of the SEC … it's GAME WEEEEEEK! Folks, we made it. It's here. College football is back. Who is ready to lock the hell in on some Montana State-New Mexico this Saturday? Let's get rich, kids!!!

I've also got some real gems from a big weekend of content – hey, Mina! – and a hero Newark bus driver who finally snapped and said enough was enough. What an animal. 

I'm sure we'll get to some other stuff, but, frankly, I don't really know what it is right now, so I'm gonna go the Michael Scott route and just hope it comes to me along the way. We'll see!

Wait! Just kidding. I do have one more thing. Holly Sonders! What a return to Instagram for OutKick's favorite golf channel legend. Yowza. 

Grab a drink, fire up Mina's twitter page, grab five more because Lord knows you'll need them, and then settle in for a Monday 'Cap!

Holly Sonders gets booted off of woke Instagram for an innocent video

Screw it, we're starting with Holly. Take that, Zuckerberg! 

It's been a while since we've heard from Holly Sonders – Anthony Farris really led the charge on that beat – but our girl is BACK with an absolute vengeance today. Why?

Well, I don't know … you tell me! For some reason, Instagram decided to yank this video of Holly and Oscar De La Hoya dancing around their porch in the tiniest bathing suits you've ever seen. And by tiny, I mean … well, take a look:

Best of the rest from a big weekend!

Hey, losers! Get a life. Leave Holly and Oscar alone. They're just having fun. If you don't like fun, there's a big convention going on in crime-riddled Chicago this week. Have at it. 

Welcome back to class, Holly Sonders. We appreciate having a good time around here. I promise, Nightcaps will NEVER censor you or Oscar. You two are always welcome. 

OK, let's get to the best of the rest from a big weekend of #content. Seriously, it was electric from start to finish. I hope you missed most of it, because it was your last off-weekend until February. I've warned you for a month now to get the chores down before Week 0. 

Well, it's here. Hope you are prepared. The weekend content from here on out will be football, more football, and some more football after that. 

Welcome back, King. 

Off to the DNC, first!

Oklahoma sorority girls, bus driver loses it, and Texas A&M looks fast

Nineteen weeks, boy and girls! Let's gooooo. From The Sun:

Dr Ian Pearson is a futurologist who predicts what is going to happen in the coming years.

He's suggested that woman will soon be getting busy with robots rather than men, but before you rubbish his claims, have a listen to the science.

According to Ian, we're not even that far away from this vision at the moment.

Vibrators used to be taboo, but now women's magazines are full of chat about them, with Ian suggesting it won't be long before robot sex is more popular with ladies than watching porn.

"A lot of people will still have reservations about sex with robots at first, but gradually as they get used to them, as the AI (artificial intelligence) and mechanical behaviour and their feel improves, and they start to become friends with strong emotional bonds, that squeamishness will gradually evaporate," he said in the report, commissioned by Bondara.

You up to the challenge, fellas? Of course not. We're all cooked. There is zero and I mean zero percent chance we can even begin to imagine having the sort of stamina a robot has in the sack. We're cooked. 

No wonder has been blasting commercials on my TV for the past six months. They know what's coming. And if YOU don't know what is, you're lying. Come on. It's OK. This is a safe space. 

OK, rapid-fire time on this Post Due Date Monday. First up? It's time to start getting those sorority houses in order just before college football season. Welcome to the SEC, Oklahoma!

Work Week 2024 indeed! Take that, DNC. And take notes while you're at it. THIS is how you win votes in this country, not by posting fake gas station videos. 

I mean, seriously … this has to be the worst thing I've ever seen. What the hell are we doing here?

Ah, Dougie … there they are. 

We are so cooked in this country. Stay in there, son. Trust me. This is the peak of your happiness. 

Next? Speaking of being unhappy …

From TMZ: 

A New Jersey transit bus journey took a wild turn after the driver put a savage beatdown on a passenger ... and now several videos from the scene are going viral.

In one video making the rounds online ... the bus driver is seen putting a man in a chokehold, threatening his life, and loudly reprimanding him for allegedly spitting at him earlier in the ride.

Whoaaaaaaa Nellie! What an ass-kicking! Bus drivers are built differently, folks. So are Subway … conductors? I lived in Boston for four years. Those fellas scared the bejesus out of me. This is why. 

They're like the Soup Nazis of the road. You pay, quickly find a seat, sit down, keep your eyes on the ground, and get up as quickly as you can when it's your turn to leave. That's all. You certainly don't spit on them. That's a death sentence. 

Finally, let's check in with Texas A&M on the eve of a big season!

I'm quite sure that's parody from Texas A&M. Has to be, right? Either way, it's hilarious. Can't wait for these fellas to be out there against Notre Dame in 10 days! 

Mainly, though, I can't wait for Midnight Yell to be back in our homes this fall. The absolute best Saturday morning tradition. 

Take us home, fellas. 

Let's go have a big week. 

OutKick Nightcaps is a daily column set to run Monday through Friday at 4 p.m. (roughly, we’re not robots).

You excited for the DNC? Email me at

Written by
Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.