Girlfriend Of Ole Miss QB At Center Of Cheating Scandal Makes A Move

College football kicks off two weeks from today, and we've got a cheating scandal out of Ole Miss that has all of Oxford on edge. 

The SEC, baby! It just means more. 

For those who missed it earlier this week, Rebels QB Jaxson Dart is at the center of some nasty cheating rumors with longtime girlfriend Lola Sexton. And by rumors, I mean Lola appeared in a TikTok earlier this week that all but accused Jaxson of running around on her for over a year now. 

A year! Impressive, even for college kids. That's insane luck, if you ask me. How do you cheat on someone for a year and not get caught? I feel like there HAVE to be some NDAs signed along the way. How does word NOT get around a college town when QB1 is making the rounds? Wild. 

Anyway, Lola commented on the TikTok – which was captioned ‘Just a casual coffee date finding out her boyfriend cheated on her for the last year’ – by simply saying, "Real!!!!!"

That set off alarms in Oxford, and it's been anarchy ever since. Now, Lola herself seems to getting in on the action, not only confirming the scandal, but then hitting the barber shop with her sister for some R&R:

The Sexton Sisters are all over this Jaxson Dart mess

Look, it's hard to decode all the Gen-Z stuff. They just don't come out and say stuff anymore. It's all passive-aggressive nowadays. Surely that'll end well in our country. Nothing like some solid passive aggressiveness out of our future leaders. 

But, it's pretty obvious that Jaxson is under siege right now with Ole Miss set to start their march to a national title a few Saturdays from now. That much we know, mainly because the Sexton Sisters are on the case. 

Sister Khloe Sexton seems to be the real shoulder to lean on here. Not only did she comment on the initial video by saying, "she had no idea about any of the cheating until now. She’s not going back," she then unleashed this little number last night:

What a week for Lola Sexton. What a week – and year! – for Jaxson Dart. Don't know how this saga ends, but it better end with Lola moving on to greener pastures, and the Rebs kicking the shit out of Furman in a few weeks. 

It's football time, baby. No distractions. Lola appears ready to move on, and I think we all should follow suit. 

PS: dancing to "naughty girl" is such a message to the haters I can't stand it. What a story. 

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.