Georgia Sorority Girl Lily Stewart, Whose Mugshot Went Viral, Has Been Arrested Again

Georgia sorority girl Lily Stewart has a new mugshot thanks to a new arrest. What a turn of events after she was arrested earlier this month for speeding and recently had her mugshot go insanely viral.

Is this a case of getting a taste of the wild side and wanting more?

It didn’t sound like that a few days ago when Stewart sat down with TMZ for an interview. The 20-year-old University of Georgia student told the outlet she had no intention of seeing the inside of a jail cell again.

Stewart did enjoy the reactions to her mugshot. She found most of them to be funny, despite some creepy ones. She also had a ton of guys slide into her DMs, which you would kind of expect when an attractive mugshot hits the open internet.

Now it wasn’t all smooth sailing. The creepy comments had some "gross old men saying weird things" accompanying them. The internet is open to all after all. There’s no filtering out the weirdos. All you can do is ignore them.

That's what it sounded like Lily Stewart was up to. She was skipping over the odd comments, enjoying the funny ones, and moving on with her life.

Lily Stewart has another mugshot to add to her collection

Then, out of nowhere, TMZ pops up with another mugshot of Lily Stewart. Once again she's smiling, because, as she told the outlet during her interview, that's what you do when you get your photo taken.

Was this a secret arrest from before she went viral? Nope, this is a brand-new one from early Sunday morning. TMZ says that police records show she was arrested in Georgia on charges of obstruction of a law enforcement officer and loitering/prowling.

The charges are misdemeanors and at this time Stewart is still in jail with bail set at $4,000. Who could have seen this coming? I'm guessing not many. I'm sure we'll get the full story at some point.

On a positive note, she nailed another mugshot. If her other one hadn’t gone viral, this one, which you can see here, would have.

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Sean is a cubicle life escapee and proud member of OutKick's Culture Department. He enjoys long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners, and puppies - only one of those things is true.