Genie Bouchard Hits The Court In Her Bikini, IG Star Grace Boor Hangs With Livvy Dunne & Don't Bunt On Dibble

I battled through like a champ

Normally, I don't like to pat myself on the back, but I feel like this is worth sharing.  Back on Tuesday, I had to clean my coffee maker.

The light informing me that it needed to be done had been on for a couple of days and I found a few minutes to get the hour-long process started.

I tossed in the distilled vinegar with water, hit the button that kicked off the cleaning process and went about my business.  When the cleaning process finished, I cleaned everything that I could in the sink and left it all to dry.

I forgot a very important part of the cleaning process.  That's where I run a cycle or two through the coffee maker with just water.  This gets all the vinegar that was left behind out of it.

I think you can see where this is going.

I had two Yeti tumblers full of coffee that had a fairly strong vinegar taste.  I could have poured it out and brewed a new pot of coffee or even hit the Keurig that the rest of the house uses.

But I didn’t.  I could have allowed the mistake to start the day to ruin my day.  I didn't do that either.  I battled through with two tumblers full of french vanilla coffee with a strong hint of vinegar.

Again, I don't like patting myself on the back, but credit to me for battling through like a champ.

This guy doesn't mow on Thursdays

Someone took up a man on his offer to cut their grass for $5.25.  That seems like an odd price to cut the yard, even if it's on the smaller side.

The guy, who definitely doesn't mow on Thursdays, was witnessed dancing around on the sidewalk and street with the lawnmower.  In the video, he doesn't actually mow any of the grass.

It appears that whatever dimension he's in, you mow the concrete, not the grass.

The text overlay on the video says it all, "I hired a man to mow the lawn, and he hasn’t touched the grass yet.  I should have known better when his price was $5.25." 

Want the CTE but nothing else that goes along with playing the game of football?

Meet Muhammad Rashid.  He's the Guinness Book of World Records holder for wasting full cans of what appears to be beer.

That's not actually the record he holds.  He has the most drink cans (39) crushed with the head in 30 secs.

The dazed look in his eyes at the end isn't a sign of brain trauma.  It's the look that lets you know all the years of sacrifice and training to get to that moment were worth it.


- Chris B writes:

Strong work outta the 'pen today!  You hit on MILF to collegiate, athletes to broadcaster, thick to thin.   Some apparently complain but I enjoy the sunsets.  The little girl riding the gator might be my fave - WFT?!?  If you're lookin for suggestions, some olympics content will be timely.


Hey Chris, thanks for the support.  I'm glad you enjoyed my work out of the bullpen.  The sunsets are relaxing and a good way to reset.

I like the Olympics content suggestion.  I'll be looking for some as the games get going.

Sunset photo near water

- Jeff B from Colorado writes:

Camping on the side of a lake in Kansas.  A bit of wildfire smoke created a reddish haze to the sky, but a campfire and a couple cold beers made it all worthwhile.


This is exactly what I'm talking about.  You can't go wrong with a sunset near the water.  The fact that this is a campsite with a campfire going is perfect.


- Mark W writes:

Saw the footage of the crashed Weinermobile, and my first thought was, "Dang, Kamala crashed her campaign bus."


That's the funniest take I've heard on the whole Wienermobile crash.  We've still got a couple of months to go from now until the election.

So there's still time for that to become a reality.  Given how insane everything is, I wouldn’t be surprised to see her campaigning in a Wienermobile.


- Eddie from Acworth writes:

Saw this headline and immediately thought of the Screencaps community.  Who would want to live in this leftist hell-hole???

What's next-no more cooking at all (well- they are banning gas stoves) and you can only eat raw veggies??

GTFO California.  Get my grill out of my cold, dead hands.


I couldn't have said it any better, Eddie.

These nut jobs are declaring war with these kinds of insane ideas.  You're going to have to come take my grill from me for me to stop grilling food, and I'm not willfully handing it over.

This is a call, especially for those in California, to use your grill even more.

Finally got to a baseball game in a few years

- Sam L writes:

Braves lost, but still happy to be there.


Nothing says summer like a baseball game.  If it's in Atlanta, and it looks like it is, that's a great ballpark to see a game too.

I think the last MLB game I went to was a Braves game a couple of years ago.  I need to get back to a game soon.  I've been to a handful of Minor League games since then.

I might even have to do that again, which for me means wading through a bunch of douches in Charlotte who show up and don't even watch the game.

SC Content

- John from SD sends:


Glad you’re back for a few days as Joe deserves a break during mid-summer. I suppose between the "miscommunication" that you two had to scramble fast to keep the machine running, all is back to running smoothly. It’s good to read two different perspectives on SC. 

Going back to Father’s Day: here’s a picture of NY strip steaks picked up fresh off of Harris Ranch (no endorsement) in California day of and grilled that night (Weber grill). Keep up the great work!


Thanks for the continued support.  I appreciate it.  Keep the grill fired up John.  Grilling is under attack in California and this is a battle that cannot be lost!

Letterman - Joe Biden dropping out of race

- Phillip writes:

Interesting how some parts need no update.


Thanks for sending this over.  Joe's been a liar and a fraud for a very long time.  It's good to remind people of that fact.  He's always been this guy.


That's it for Thursday.  I've got to switch gears and get into some True Romance before I come up for air and see what else is going on in the world today.

Have a great day, it's almost Friday.  Keep sending in anything and everything to

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Sean is a cubicle life escapee and proud member of OutKick's Culture Department. He enjoys long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners, and puppies - only one of those things is true.