The 'Gayest Star Wars Yet' Is Already The Most Hated Star Wars Yet With An Embarrassing Rotten Tomatoes Score

It's early, so all the precincts haven't reported yet, but the early returns are the gayest Star Wars ever ain't great. 

And by that, I mean Star Wars: The Acolyte is tracking to be – be FAR – the most hated of the entire franchise. That's right. Worse than Last Jedi. Worse than Solo. Worse than Attack of the Clones. 

According to Rotten Tomatoes, through two episodes, the newest Disney+ series – which made waves earlier this week when it was deemed the gayest Star Wars yet during an interview with creator Leslye Headland – has an abysmal 31% approval rating from the audience. 

Shockingly – not really at all – it's sitting at a staggering 91% from the critics, which is so on brand it hurts. 

The very obvious message? Fans don't want woke crap shoved down their throats. Progressive critics, however, LOVE it.  

Disney continues to be a bunch of woke idiots 

I mean, duh. Come on. Anyone with half a brain saw this coming from a mile away. 

Disney execs are just so dumb. Honestly, it's stunning how stupid they are. George Lucas handed them the keys to arguably the most successful movie franchise ever a decade ago, and all they've done since is piss it all away. 

Will that 31% rating go up as more episodes are released? Maybe. I have no clue. I heard rumors the third episode will have something about pronouns in it, though, so that'll probably help!

PS: no, that's not a joke. It actually does. Seriously. 

Anyway, as for the actual score … it's easily the worst, so far, of the entire franchise. The next lowest? The Last Jedi, which sits at a measly 41%. I hated that movie so much, so I think even that's way too high. What a disgrace. 

After that, you have Attack of the Clones at 56%, and Phantom Menace at 59%. That last one is stupid, if you ask me. Phantom Menace was good, especially the final 30 minutes. Honestly, it's better than New Hope. 

There. I said it. 

By the way, Rise of Skywalker is currently sitting at an inexplicable 86% audience approval. I mean, what are we doing? That movie needs to be sent to the sun. 

Here's a list of the full rankings, for those who want to see the rundown. 

As for Acolyte, the dummies over at Disney deserve all of this. Every single bit of it. They're woke and they absolutely refuse to listen to the fans. 

Nobody and I mean nobody was asking for the "gayest Star Wars yet." Not even gay people! But you gave it to us, and we hate it. 

Oh well. 

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.