'Funniest Moments On Live TV' Thread Brings WILD Moments

A new Twitter X thread asking "What is the funniest moment on live TV you've ever seen?" has brought in some absolute gems.

The viral post, which already has had 55+ million views and thousands of entries, is the perfect barometer of "Wait, huh?" and "WTF?!" moments all in one. Some are hilarious, some are so cringe, you want to look away, while others make you wonder how they even were able to happen in the first place. From gaffes, to near life-or-death situations, to just straight up awkwardness, the thread is guaranteed to bring you some laughs as you read this at your mundane job.

Here are some of my favorite ones but I urge you to go through the whole thread at the end because it's so hard to choose just a few.

First up we have this UNREAL clip where the news anchor sets up a story about a lady who was struck by lightning only to survive, but when they went to play the tape of the woman speaking - the tape started skipping over and over and literally sounded like she was electric!  Oh my…

From a kid demeaning a weatherman to his face to news anchors mistakenly reading X-rated names on the list, this clip will give meteorologists some PTSD.

Sometimes though, things go really bad for meteorologists. Like when a viewer sent in a photo of a cat only to unfortunately have the cat named one of the worst things possible.

Not sure what this CNBC host even meant to say…

Ashlee Simpson doing a jig after an infamous lip-syncing meltdown on Saturday Night Live HAD to make the cut as well!

I'm sure South Korea didn't appreciate its city of PyeongChang being referred to as "P.F. Changs" on a live news program… during the 2018 Olympics no less! This just goes to show how badly our education system is going as the 18-year-old graphics intern probably had no idea he was even wrong.

Last week's LEGENDARY Wheel of Fortune X-rated gaffe made the list. No wonder Pat Sajak is leaving soon and over dealing with things like this. 

Check your panties, everyone! Whoops!

"The F*** are you doing?" - not great!

…Kind of tough to reach out to a person that IS DEAD for comment now, isn't it?


As I mentioned, those are only a few of the must-see moments that some of you will remember - from a fly landing on Mike Pence's head during the 2020 Presidential debate, to other "Hide yo kids, hide yo wives!" guy, to plenty of political blunders and even the Mike Myers / Kanye West "George Bush…" clip from Katrina - which although isn't really funny, looking back now years later definitely brings a "Did that just happen?!" moment.

What are your favorite live television moments? Email me: Michael.Gunzelman@OutKick.com or Tweet me: @TheGunzShow and let me know!

Written by
Mike “Gunz” Gunzelman has been involved in the sports and media industry for over a decade. He’s also a risk taker - the first time he ever had sushi was from a Duane Reade in Penn Station in NYC.