French Teens Give American D-Day Heroes Epic Standing Ovation: VIDEO
American D-Day heroes received a hero's welcome in France.
Today is the 80-year anniversary of American and allied forces kicking down the door to Europe. On this day eight decades ago, thousands of heroes began to obliterate the Nazi's grip on Europe.
Now, there are very few WWII veterans left. It's sad but true. We're rapidly nearing the point where no members of the greatest generation still remain.
Fortunately, we still have some heroes among us, and many are in France to commemorate the greatest military beach assault in modern warfare history.

It's the 80-year anniversary of D-Day. (Photo by Underwood Archives/Getty Images)
French teens honor American D-Day heroes.
The D-Day heroes and WWII veterans were greeted by thousands of French students who gave them a standing ovation full of pride and gratitude.
Check out the awesome moment below in the video shared Tuesday from popular author Jack Carr, and hit me with your thoughts at
This absolutely warms my heart. It's simply great to see. It's fun to crack jokes about Europeans, especially the French. The jokes about surrendering and not wanting to fight write themselves.
However, it's also important to recognize the magnitude of a moment like this one. The reason why the French aren't all speaking German under occupation is because young American men carrying weapons crawled through the blood-soaked beaches of Normandy to liberate them from the Nazis.
Americans died so the French and the rest of Europe could be free. It was 80 years ago, but clearly, the French haven't forgotten. The fact people not even alive for America's rescue of the country are this happy to see D-Day heroes makes me smile.
God bless all the brave men who ran towards German machine guns to defend freedom. You will never be forgotten, and we are always grateful. Let me know your thoughts at