Former ESPN Sportscaster Launched From RV, Flops Across Highway, Breaks Multiple Bones & Survives!

A former ESPN sportscaster is lucky to be alive after surviving an incredible accident Monday on a California highway after his wife fell asleep while driving their RV and struck a divider.

Cordell Patrick, who worked as an ESPN+ college basketball color analyst and as a local TV studio analyst, told KTLA that he got up to use the bathroom when his wife fell asleep and hit a highway divider.

“I had just unbuckled my seat belt. It was only unbuckled for five seconds,” Patrick recalled from his hospital bed.

“I noticed my wife had dozed off, so instead of going straight, we were headed toward the median. I tried grabbing the steering wheel, but before I could grab it, we already had impact,” he added.

Patrick told Fox 11 that the couple was just 10 minutes from their house on their way home from a camping trip when this happened.

The results can be seen on dashcam footage from cars passing as Patrick was launched from the RV.

He thought his life was over after being launched 170 feet across the highway and into traffic.

“All I’m thinking about is that I’m going to get hit by a car,” Cordell continued. “I’m on one of the busiest freeways in LA County, so what was going through my mind was, ‘I’ll be dead shortly.’”

“I just dragged myself and then I leaned up my back against the median until help could come and help came pretty quick."

Cordell Patrick was left with a broken arm, broken leg, a dislocated shoulder, 17 stitches on his head, a rash covering 60% of his body, but he's going to be OK.

“It was divine intervention,” Patrick, who has also served as a Kansas City Chiefs and San Antonio Spurs studio host for local TV stations, according to his Twitter bio, concluded. “If you didn’t think there was a higher power before this, I’m a living witness and I’ve got a living testimony to tell.”

Cordell Patrick isn't the only one with a story to tell.

Drivers who swerved to miss the man believe it was "divine intervention."

"This happened right in front of me...I saw the whole thing happen real time. I was the grey Lexus in front of that white SUV," Twitter user Joe G. wrote on Twitter Monday after realizing what had happened.

"I stopped to call 911 immediately, but I couldn't get out of our vehicle to check if you were okay because of the traffic behind me. I was travelling with my parents to my cousin's funeral wake that day. My mom truly believes that divine intervention happened on that day.

"Mr. Patrick, I saw your interview on @KTLAMorningNews this morning. I was in the Lexus SUV that was ahead of the white SUV. I saw you fly out of the RV and hit the concrete. I almost ran you over. I am so relieved to hear that you are OK," Joe G. added Wednesday.

According to Cordell's Twitter page, he and his wife weren't RV rookies. They have been RVing across the United States since at least 2020.

Written by
Joe Kinsey is the Senior Director of Content of OutKick and the editor of the Morning Screencaps column that examines a variety of stories taking place in real America. Kinsey is also the founder of OutKick’s Thursday Night Mowing League, America’s largest virtual mowing league. Kinsey graduated from University of Toledo.