Florida Woman Calls For A 'Sugar Daddy-Mommy Appreciation Day' During A Planning & Zoning Board Meeting
There's never been as much entertainment at a Planning and Zoning Board meeting in Boca Raton, Florida as there was on Thursday night. A woman with a blonde wig and enormous fake breasts made an all-time request following a presentation on an ordinance to amend city code for the bulk storage of flammable liquids.
When the board's chairman opened the meeting up for questions the woman popped up and raised both hands. She then made her way over to the microphone to ask her question. An elderly man stood up from a wheelchair and followed her with the use of a cane.

Ashley Cream calling for a "Sugar Daddy and Mommy Appreciation Day" at a Planning and Zoning Board meeting in Boca Raton (Image Credit: YouTube)
Once at the microphone she said her name was Ashley Cream. Ms. Cream complemented the board on their appearance before getting into why she raised her hands. She had much more pressing matters to discuss than the bulk storage of flammable liquids with the board.
As a concerned citizen and voter, she was there to call for a "Sugar Daddy and Mommy Appreciation Day." She didn't come empty handed either. Cream brought some facts about Sugar Daddies and the state of Florida with her.
I didn't fact check these, so were going to have to rely on Cream's research here. According to the numbers she crunched, "Florida has the largest per capita population of Sugar Daddies in the US."
That seems reasonable given the number of elderly that relocate to the state. Cream then points to Miami, Palm Beach, and Boca as the "most concentrated areas of these aged benefactors."
It Sounds Like They Need A Sugar Daddy And Sugar Mommy Appreciation Day In Boca
I know exactly what you're thinking. That's great and all, but what's all the Sugar Daddy talk about? Well as she goes on to point out, Sugar Daddies and Sugar Mommies are big time contributors to the economy.
Ms. Cream continues, "Sugar Daddies, both gay and straight, and yes, even Sugar Mommies, are responsible for college educations, cars, homes, rents, jets, birkins, and the occasional body enhancement."
After driving home the point about Sugar Daddies being supporters of the local economy, she called on the board to "celebrate these giving, generous Samaritans" by decreeing a "Sugar Daddy and Mommy Appreciation Day" on March 10.
The board sat silently during the ridiculous presentation. When Cream had wrapped up her comments, the Planning & Zoning Board chair, Arnold Sevell, responded by saying, "That's a city council issue."
Having wasted the Planning & Zoning Board's time, and their own by showing up to the wrong meeting, the woman makes one last comment about the "important issue" before she and the elderly man walked back to the man's wheelchair. Shortly after she wheels her presumed Sugar Daddy out of the meeting.
The fact that this took place at the wrong meeting takes nothing away from it. If anything it adds to the humor. It's an all-time board meeting moment and one you have to watch to get the full picture. A truly hall of fame worthy performance from Ms. Cream.