Florida Man Who Kept Robbing CVS Stores Of Viagra Leaves Internet Stunned With Immaculate Handwriting Used For List-Of-Demands

A Florida man was finally arrested this week after robbing a string of CVS stores of a ton of Viagra and leaving a surprisingly well-crafted list of demands at the scene of his crimes.

Goodness I love this state. We're the best.

Thomas Mues, 23, was arrested earlier today after robbing two locations -- one in Orlando and another in nearby Deltona. Mues was on the run for nearly a week, with police scouring the areas after both CVS locations provided them with some pretty grainy security footage.

Upon his arrest, police also released his very own handcrafted set of demands, which he apparently gave to each CVS pharmacist before calmly robbing them of every single pill they had.

I'll be honest with you, I didn't expect this sort of penmanship from someone stealing every single bottle of Viagra in stock.

Florida man steals pills from CVS locations and his penmanship is flawless

Obviously that got the internet talking. You can pour through the Facebook comments on your own time, but this one from Don summed it up nicely for me:

Surprised a robber could write that well. Nice note penmanship.

It was my first thought, too. Stunning.

A lot going on there, starting with the header. Bit of an error right off the bat as it's supposed to be "an" armed robbery, not "a." Whatever, though. That's probably just the writer in me. I doubt the average joe would even realize it.

Ton of threats right off the bat, too, but they're also mixed in with a little comfort.

"I don't want to hurt anybody" is always a good thing to read early on if you're the one being robbed. Definitely eases tensions a bit. Allows you to at least breathe for a second.

But then, BAM -- you're thrust right back into it when he clearly states he's perfectly fine shooting someone if things go south. Twice in the first two graphs our man here threatens to shoot the closest person to him. Not great.

Nice little sub-header, too, that shows it's time for business. Again, clearly stating to "BAG THE FOLLOWING" is a helpful little tool for anyone under the gun.

And how about the penmanship? Seriously, it's immaculate. Do we think this guy wrote this note? No chance, right? Way too clean.

I don't wanna be sexist, but that's a girl's handwriting. My wife has to write everything in this family because mine has gotten so bad it's literally illegible. If I was robbing this store and wrote this note, the CVS worker would have no shot. None. Game over.

But there's no excuse here. It's all clear as day what he wants, how much of it he wants, and he even provides some nice parenthesis along the way just to make sure he understands.

After all that, you get the nice little star at the end gently reminding him, once again, that the bullets are gonna start flying if this isn't done right.

All in all, a pretty smooth robbery for everyone involved.

PS: I guess security footage will never not be grainy, huh? I mean, we're in 2023 now. We're like a year away from flying cars and we still can't get some clear security footage? Seems like a pretty easy fix.

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.