Florida Man Arrested For Stealing Lap Dances
It's a good rule of thumb to not show up to the strip club without any money. Especially if you're going to the establishment with the purpose of getting a lap dance or two.
Tipping is highly encouraged and so is paying for the lap dances you receive. Not tipping at certain clubs could result in being slapped with a stack of cash. It happens and it's avoidable.

A Florida man was arrested for stealing lap dances after not paying for several at a strip club. (Image Credit: Getty)
Not paying for lap dances is theft, according to Florida police, and worthy of a trip to jail. John Elberson found this out last Tuesday, according to The Smoking Gun.
It's unclear what his plan was here, but the 39-year-old Florida man reportedly received $160 worth of lap dances and didn’t have the money to pay for them.
Police say that Elberson received several lap dances at Reigh Ladies and Gents around 1:30 am. By not paying for them, they say he unlawfully obtained the property of another.
The property was, of course, the lap dances, which the police determined belonged to the strip club. Stealing property is a good way to book a trip to jail.
Lap dance thieves must be stopped in order to keep society in order
That might not be the case everywhere, but Florida still enforces the law, and they're not going to stand for someone stealing lap dances. They know allowing that is a bad idea.
Seriously, what kind of society would we have? Imagine letting people walk into strip clubs and get a lap dance without paying for it. That's pure anarchy and we can't allow it.
Elberson, who, according to police, gave off an "indication of alcohol influence," was charged with misdemeanor theft. According to The Smoking Gun, he spent 12 hours in jail before a judge released him on his own recognizance.
He was ordered to stay away from the strip club. Chalk up a win for the good guys. You're not stealing lap dances in Pinellas County on this police force's watch.